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HAMILTON, ONT. - A palliative care nurse offered moving accounts of how a person’s last days of life can be some of his or her most fulfilling, enlightening and spiritually rewarding when she spoke at Hamilton Right to Life’s Annual Respect Life Fundraiser Dinner Nov. 3. 

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - The Catholic Women’s League, Canada’s largest women’s organization, has issued a statement that affirms its opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide and urges Ottawa to create of a national palliative care strategy. 

Published in Canada

At this month’s Supreme Court hearing on assisted suicide, much time was spent arguing whether Canadians have a right to be killed. Few moments were spent considering those who would have to do the killing. 

Published in Peter Stockland

OTTAWA - The lawyer arguing the Attorney General of Canada's case against legalization of assisted suicide said the court has already spoken on the matter and its previous decision "is still good law."

Published in Canada

TORONTO - In the fight against legalized euthanasia, Margaret Somerville said pro-lifers must “sanitize” their language, mostly by framing the debate in non-religious terms. 

Published in Canada

GATINEAU, QUE. - As the Supreme Court of Canada prepares to hear arguments Oct. 15 on assisted suicide, activists against euthanasia warn of the zeal of their opponents. 

Published in Canada

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis warned against the abandonment and neglect of the elderly, calling it a "hidden euthanasia" rooted in today's "poisonous" culture of disposal and an economic system of greed.

Published in Faith
September 25, 2014

A voice for life

Not so long ago, it would have been considered the kiss of death for Canada’s Catholic bishops to launch a national campaign against medicalized killing. 

Published in Peter Stockland

Former Liberal MPs demand leader rescind abortion policy

Published in Canada

BEAUPRÉ, QUE. - Canada's bishops will launch a national campaign this fall to combat a push in Canada to legalize euthanasia.

Published in Canada

Killing off the old, the infirm and the disabled won’t promote the human rights, dignity or freedom of anybody, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition argues in a factum submitted to the Supreme Court of Canada Aug. 28.

Published in Canada

The mainstream media has caused great confusion about the topic of euthanasia and has been extremely deceptive in its portrayal of human suffering and compassion.

Published in Guest Columns

OTTAWA - The Canadian Organization for Life and Family (COLF) is urging Catholics to “speak up” as the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons reviews is policy on conscience rights.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - Quebec physicians face moral and legal quandaries as their province prepares to implement its new euthanasia law contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. 

Published in Canada

Pressure is building on the federal government to get busy on a national palliative care strategy.

Published in Canada