In mid-April The Globe & Mail gave two days of coverage to the suicide of Adam Maier-Clayton, just 27 years old. He lived for years with a variety of psychiatric disorders and unremitting pain. There is no doubt he knew suffering.

Published in Charles Lewis

BRUSSELS, Belgium – Following a decision by the board of several Belgian Catholic psychiatric hospitals to start performing euthanasia, the religious brothers who operate the hospitals said the policy change is unacceptable and cannot be implemented.

Published in International

OTTAWA – A government-funded home-care agency serving the Ottawa area is facilitating end-of-life services for people seeking to be euthanized in their home.

Published in Canada

The pledge was buried deep within the federal budget and delivered almost as an afterthought. Still, it is encouraging to see the Liberals keeping a 2015 election promise on palliative care.

Published in Editorial

Doctors are being bullied, silenced and coerced in a pro-euthanasia environment which is forcing those who object to medically assisted suicide to provide an effective referral for patients who wish to die, provincial legislators were told during hearings into Bill 84.

Published in Canada: Toronto-GTA

OTTAWA – Ontario doctors should fight harder to preserve conscience rights in the face of a policy that is “outrageous,” said American physician and theologian Dr. Farr Curlin.

Published in Canada

Conscience rights for Ontario doctors will get the full attention of Queen’s Park on Thursday, March 23, in committee hearings on Bill 84.

Published in Canada: Toronto-GTA

OTTAWA – The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees conscience protection for physicians and overrides policies of medical bodies that want to compel health care professionals to participate in euthanasia and assisted suicide, argued a constitutional lawyer.

Published in Canada

The right being sought by many Ontario doctors to refuse to give patient referrals for euthanasia and assisted suicide will be addressed in committee meetings at Queen’s Park in the next month.

Published in Canada

It was a story that slipped through public consciousness like a shadow, first ominous then quickly evaporated and forgotten.

Published in Charles Lewis

Timely, fully-funded and widely available palliative care could save Canada’s health care system between $7,000 and $8,000 per patient, claims a new paper from the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians.

Published in Canada

As society grapples with the rising cost of health care comes word of potential savings of up to $124 million annually from the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide. It turns out that lethal injection is good business. Who didn’t see this coming?

Published in Editorial

OTTAWA – Palliative care is about living and celebrating life and should begin much earlier than a during a patient’s last days and weeks of life, palliative care physician Dr. Jose Pereira said Feb. 18.

Published in Canada

Euthanasia is here to stay, so Catholic health care workers must rely on their Christian perspectives to guide them through the tensions caused by medical aid in dying.

Published in Canada

Following the shooting deaths of six men inside a Quebec City mosque, politicians quite rightly condemned the slaughter and affirmed Canada’s commitment to diversity, inclusiveness and tolerance.

Published in Editorial