His Holiness, the soccer fan, asks players to be real role models

VATICAN CITY - With admiration and big smiles all around, the lifelong soccer fan Pope Francis met the star players and coaches of the Argentine and Italian national soccer teams hoping to compete for the World Cup in 2014.

Pope asks people to consider what they desire most

VATICAN CITY - Yearning and loving give people the strength to move forward and overcome obstacles, but Christians must ask themselves what really is their hearts' desire, Pope Francis said.

Pope to parents: Teach your children to respect, defend human life

VATICAN CITY - Respect for human life from conception until natural death is something children must be taught, not mainly with words, but by the example of their parents, Pope Francis said.

Pope Francis discovers charismatic movement a gift to the whole church

VATICAN CITY - During World Youth Day celebrations in Rio de Janeiro, July 23-28, many worshippers in the crowds could be seen swaying from side to side, arms raised in the air, wearing rapt or joyous expressions on their faces.

Before electing Pope Francis, cardinals heard plea for unity, holiness

VATICAN CITY - The last formal exhortation to the 115 cardinals who elected Pope Francis in March included reminders of the importance of presenting the Catholic faith in its entirety, the need to recognize the errors of Church members and the need for unity within the Catholic community.

New Pope a man of style and substance

Less than six months into his papacy, Pope Francis still seems very new, very different to the world. In particular, his relationship to the media has caused a sensation.
Newspapers around the world have headlined the Pope's remarks on homosexuality with the "Who am I to judge?" soundbite.

Ships at Holy See: how popes once navigated more than spiritual waters

VATICAN CITY - One could say it all started with St. Peter's fishing boat. One day, that humble vessel turned into a powerful pontifical fleet, particularly during the life of the Papal States.

Francis' comments taken as surprise are no surprise at all

Pope Francis did not turn Catholic sexual ethics on its head while chatting with reporters on the plane trip back from Brazil.

Pope, with fellow Jesuits, prays for 'grace of shame,' humility

ROME - Celebrating the feast of St. Ignatius with more than 200 of his Jesuit confreres, Pope Francis prayed that he and all of them would receive "the grace of shame" for their failures and the humility to recognize that whatever good they accomplish is really done by the Lord.

Pope picks 'fraternity' as theme for his first World Peace Day message

VATICAN CITY - An overemphasis on "personal well-being" and general indifference have eroded any sense of responsibility toward others, especially toward the poor, said a note from the Vatican announcing Pope Francis' choice of a theme for World Peace Day 2014.

Pope's 'gay lobby' remarks affirm Church teaching

VATICAN CITY - When Pope Francis told reporters July 28, "Who am I to judge" a homosexual person, he was emphasizing a part of Catholic teaching often overlooked by the media and misunderstood by many people.