BANGKOK -- Calling migration "one of the principal moral issues" facing humanity today, Pope Francis thanked the government and people of Thailand for the way they've welcomed migrants and refugees, but he urged greater efforts to protect migrants and poor Thais from human trafficking.

Pope Francis prays for Vietnamese migrants found dead in U.K.


VATICAN CITY -- In a message to young Catholics in Vietnam, Pope Francis offered prayers for a group of Vietnamese migrants who died while being smuggled into Great Britain in late October.

Pope Francis warmly welcomed to Thailand


BANGKOK -- Arriving in Thailand after an 11-hour flight, Pope Francis was greeted by 11 children -- one for each of the country's dioceses.

More must be done to include women in church bodies, Pope Francis says


VATICAN CITY -- Although people may have different ways of praying or of serving their parish or the poor, the Catholic Church needs laity, priests, religious, parishes and lay movements to collaborate in order to be truly "catholic," Pope Francis said.

Pope Francis blesses hands of doctors, nurses at pediatric hospital


VATICAN CITY -- The pained faces of children with serious medical conditions and the suffering of their families should inspire doctors and nurses to serve with passion and enthusiasm, Pope Francis said.

Pope Francis: Each Christian should have a friend who is poor


VATICAN CITY -- The poor are the church's treasure because they give every Christian a chance to "speak the same language as Jesus, that of love," Pope Francis said, celebrating Mass for the World Day of the Poor.

Catechism will be updated to include ecological sins, Pope Francis says


VATICAN CITY -- Following through on a proposal made at the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon, Pope Francis said there are plans to include a definition of ecological sins in the church's official teaching.

Pope Francis calls on leaders, tech giants to protect children online


VATICAN CITY -- While digital technologies have led to advancements in communication and education, they also have led to the exploitation of children on the internet, Pope Francis said.

Pope Francis appeals for protection of the vulnerable in Burkina Faso


VATICAN CITY -- After one of the deadliest attacks in Burkina Faso in recent years, Pope Francis urged leaders there to do more to protect vulnerable civilians and to promote dialogue and social harmony.

Lack of ethics leads to 'throwaway' culture, Pope Francis says


VATICAN CITY -- An economic system lacking any ethics leads to a "throwaway" culture of consumption and waste, Pope Francis said.

Motherhood, feminism and the Bible


What motherhood means ought to be obvious. We all have mothers. We all know mothers. Some of us are mothers. What is there to explain?