A new movement is beginning at the Archdiocese of Winnipeg and it’s looking for young creatives to take up this project with them. 

Published in Youth Speak News

Vancouver – Thousands have seen his videos about saints, yoga and wearing one’s Sunday best. Now, the priest of Ask Fr. Nick is back at it again — this time, taking questions about Lent.

Published in Features

VATICAN – People who visit Catholic shrines must find a place of warmth and welcome, as well as good priests who enjoy being with and listening to the faithful, Pope Francis said.

Published in Faith
VATICAN – Retired Pope Benedict XVI sent a letter correcting a German theologian who implied that the former pontiff encouraged the evangelization of the Jewish people as a mission.
Published in International

You know an app must be right when Pope Francis gives it his official blessing. 

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

From Oct. 3-28, our YSN reporting team followed the discussions taking place in Rome at the Synod of Bishops on young people. Below, a few members from across the country share their own thoughts. 

Published in Youth Speak News

At 60, Fr. Ron MacDonell is the youngest of the Scarboro Missions priests. Even as his fellow priests back home in Toronto move into a seniors’ residence, MacDonell is working today in the upper reaches of the Amazon basin among Brazil’s Makushi people, bringing together village elders and young people to recover their vanishing language and culture.

Published in Canada

CALGARY – Maddie Catling is ready to be a Catholic warrior for the Church. 

Published in Youth Speak News

Thanks to the excellent coverage by Salt + Light Television, I was able to follow the “Catholica 200” celebrations in St. Boniface, Man., marking the bicentennial of the arrival of the first French missionaries in the Canadian West. 

Published in Register Columnists

The Lord God called to the man and said, “Where are you?”

Published in Register Columnists
VATICAN – The Catholic Church must discover new ways to provide the Eucharist and pastoral support to the people of the Amazon, especially indigenous people threatened by forced displacement and exploitation, a new document said.
Published in International
VATICAN – Christians must be willing to move where the Spirit leads them and not be benchwarmers on the sidelines of efforts to evangelize, Pope Francis said.
Published in Reflections
ROME – Friends and fans called him a "gentle giant," a faithful "prayer warrior" and a Clark Kent whose superman power was helping people grow in holiness and faith.
Published in International

Recently I found myself in the basement of a downtown church surrounded by a confirmation class of children, teachers and parents. The church sits in an area where the outreach of the Church on the Street is most challenging, and the class had responded to the call of Pope Francis in The Joy of the Gospel: “We cannot passively and calmly wait in our church buildings; we need to move from a passive ministry of mere conservation to a decidedly missionary pastoral mission.” 

Published in Faith

Mark Mallett was close to losing his religion when he rediscovered his Catholic faith through music. 

Published in Canada