Baptism sets us off on our Christ-centred journey

Baptism of the Lord (Year A) Jan. 12 (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7; Psalm 29; Acts 10:34-38; Matthew 3:13-17)

Who was the prophetic figure described in Isaiah’s Song of the Servant? A name was not given, but clearly the identity must have been clear to the generation for whom this was written. Many believe it was a collective symbol of the nation of Israel. This would fit nicely with the mission described in the passage: justice, light to the nations, healer of the suffering and liberator of the oppressed.

Pope: In new year, step outside your comfort zone, get involved

VATICAN CITY - The new year will be brighter only if everyone steps outside their safe havens, gets involved and works together to solve local problems with generosity and love, Pope Francis said.

Pope: Don't forget plight of exiles, elderly marginalized by own family

VATICAN CITY - Just as people must never ignore the plight of today's immigrants and refugees, they must also remember today's "hidden exiles" -- the elderly and other relatives who are abandoned or forgotten by their own families, Pope Francis said.

2013: a year of two Popes

The past year didn’t really begin March 13. There were signifi-cant events in the life of Canada, the world and the Church in January and February — before Cardinal Jorge Bergolio walked out onto that balcony above St. Peter’s Square and asked us for our prayers. It only seems that our world before Pope Francis is a land far, far away and long, long ago.

Retired Pope Benedict visits Pope Francis for lunch

VATICAN CITY - Three days after Pope Francis paid his predecessor a visit on Christmas Eve, retired Pope Benedict joined the pope for lunch at the Vatican guesthouse.

Pope, on feast of first martyr, prays for persecuted Christians

VATICAN CITY - Observing the feast of the church's first martyr, Pope Francis prayed for Christians suffering persecution and discrimination around the world, even in countries that nominally honor religious liberty.

We are invited to be bearers of light

Epiphany of the Lord (Year A) Jan. 5 (Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6; Matthew 2:1-12)

Epiphany has always been associated with light and hope. Since each year we celebrate this feast with the same readings, we might ask how the past year has been different from any other year and what 2014 might hold for us.

Naples' Nativity scene nears completion in St. Peter's Square

VATICAN CITY - The world famous Nativity scenes of Naples never follow just the biblical account of Jesus' birth; for one thing, the figures usually are dressed in 18th-century costumes, but also it's not unusual for a modern-day politician or even pope to enter the scene.

Remember those like Holy Family who are homeless, pope says

VATICAN CITY - Seeing a protest sign in St. Peter's Square that read "The poor cannot wait," Pope Francis urged individuals and government leaders to recognize the pain, struggles and rights of families -- like Jesus, Mary and Joseph -- who do not have a home.

Pope pays pre-Christmas visit to Rome's children's hospital

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- With lots of kisses, but very few words, Pope Francis spent more than two-and-a-half hours visiting sick children, their parents and doctors at Rome's Bambino Gesu children's hospital Dec. 21.

The challenge of King Herod and the wise men

The Christmas story is surely one of the greatest stories ever told. It chronicles a birth from which the world records time as before or after. Moreover, it is written in a way that has inflamed the romantic imagination for 2,000 years. This hasn’t always been for the good. Beyond spawning every kind of legend imaginable, the story of Christmas has, in the Christian imagination, too often taken on a centrality not accorded to it in the Gospels themselves. This is not surprising, given its richness.