At Rome's cathedral, Pope Francis celebrates God's patience

ROME - Celebrating his first Mass in the cathedral of Rome, Pope Francis called on Christians to trust in God's endless patience and mercy.

The papal hug that touched the world

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — By Easter Monday, it would be the shot seen around the world.

We are called to be witnesses to God’s kingdom

Third Sunday of Easter (Year C) April 14 (Acts 5:28-32, 40-41; Psalm 30; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19)

It is well known that dictatorial or totalitarian regimes rule by fear. The oppressed know that they must keep silent at the least and maybe even mouth the party line. The consequences for not doing so are fearsome. Even so-called democratic cultures and societies also use a form of fear to coerce people — the fear of ridicule, exclusion or labelling. The message is clear: do not challenge the status quo or the powers that be, even if they are somewhat benign.

What does it mean to focus our attention on God?

Some years ago, I was at a religious conference where one of the speakers, widely known and respected for her work among the poor, made this comment: “I’m not a theologian, so I don’t know how this plays out theologically; but here’s the base from which I’m operating: I work with the poor. Partly I do this out of my humanity, out of natural compassion; but ultimately my motivation is Christ. I work with the poor because I’m a Christian. However, I can go for two or three years on the streets and never mention Christ’s name because I believe that God is mature enough that He doesn’t demand to always be the centre of our conscious attention.”

Resurrection’s truth is all around us

A colleague drove me home, a long trip across the city. I volunteered directions. He, absorbed in the dulcet tones and colourful maps offered by his GPS (Global Positioning System), didn’t listen. The computer knew better than I did where I lived and how to get there. “Her” regularly interjected directions were the influential force of that journey.

Pope urges Catholics to let grace transform, work through them

VATICAN CITY - Catholics must allow the grace of their baptism and of the Eucharist to transform their lives and make them instruments of God's grace in the world, Pope Francis said.

At Rome's Colosseum, Pope says cross is God's response to evil

ROME - Gazing from a hillside overlooking Rome's Colosseum, where thousands of people gathered to pray the Way of the Cross, Pope Francis said Christ's cross is God's response to evil in the world.

Hope for a unified Easter

This year some 300 million Christians who claim apostolic succession back to the time of Christ will celebrate Easter 35 days later than Roman Catholics.

Pope leads Good Friday liturgy, begins rite in silent prayer, adoration

VATICAN CITY - Lying prostrate on the floor before the main altar of St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis celebrated the Liturgy of the Lord's Passion.

Pope Francis says good priests bring joy, comfort to those in need

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis called on the world's priests to bring the healing power of God's grace to everyone in need, to stay close to the marginalized and to be "shepherds living with the smell of the sheep."

Self-absorption is root of evils within church, future Pope said

VATICAN CITY - Evils within the church are caused by a self-centeredness and "theological narcissism" that forget to share Christ with people outside of the church, Pope Francis said in the days before his election.