Mary Marrocco: Learning to ‘redeem the times’ we live in

During the pandemic lockdown, a bishop spoke to his flock about fears and panic. He emphasized that times were bad, faith was going to be lost, God would leave us and all that remained was to hold tight to our traditions and hope for the best.

Vatican's top diplomat meets about Mideast with U.S., Israeli ambassadors

VATICAN CITY -- Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, met with the U.S. and Israeli ambassadors to the Vatican to express concern that "possible unilateral actions" on their part would further jeopardize peace in the region.

After raid, pope names commissioner for oversight of St. Peter's Basilica

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis appointed a commissioner charged with overseeing and reorganizing the Fabbrica di San Pietro, the office responsible for the physical care and maintenance of St. Peter's Basilica.

World needs more prayer, less complaints Pope Francis says at pallium Mass

VATICAN CITY -- Some people always will want to destroy unity and stifle prophets, Pope Francis said on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.

God's Word on Sunday: Prophetic message applies to our world

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 5 (Year A) Zechariah 9:9-10; Psalm 145; Romans 8:9, 11-13; Matthew 11:25-30

The Book of Zechariah is a puzzling collection of prophecies written at different points in Israel’s history. Scholars are unsure of the dating of the various parts of the book. But perhaps this vagueness is a blessing, for the prophecies are valid in every time and place, especially our own.

Pope Francis adds 'Comfort of Migrants,' other Marian titles to litany

VATICAN CITY -- Among the many titles under which Catholics invoke Mary, Pope Francis has asked them to add "Mother of Mercy," "Mother of Hope" and "Comfort of Migrants."

Pope Francis advances five sainthood causes

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis advanced the sainthood causes of three men and two women, including an Italian nun who was brutally murdered by three teenage girls who claimed it had been a satanic sacrifice.

Pandemic showed just how much people need each other, Pope Francis says

VATICAN CITY -- During the darkest, most deadly days of the COVID-19 pandemic in northern Italy, medical professionals and volunteers were "silent artisans of a culture of closeness and tenderness," a culture that cannot be allowed to disappear, Pope Francis said.

God's Word on Sunday: Kindness sets the world on better path

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 28 (Year A) 2 Kings 4:8-12a, 14-16; Psalm 89; Romans 6:3-4, 8-11; Matthew 10:37-42

We should not underestimate the importance and impact of our individual acts of kindness.

Teen to be beatified

VATICAN CITY -- Carlo Acutis, a 15-year-old Italian who used his computer programming skills to spread devotion to the Eucharist, will be beatified in October, the Diocese of Assisi announced.

Vatican: Broker involved in London property deal released

VATICAN CITY -- An Italian broker who was arrested for his involvement in the questionable majority stake purchase of a property in London by the Vatican's Secretariat of State was granted a conditional release after 10 days in a Vatican jail cell.