Most Canadians respect religion, believe it is relevant and think it benefits society, according to a new Angus Reid Institute poll.
Published in Canada
VATICAN CITY – Christians and Muslims believe that freedom of conscience and religion are the most important human rights and, "therefore, our collective duty demands that we respect, preserve and promote such rights," said members of the Catholic-Muslim Forum.
Published in International
Catholics and people of all religions should be troubled by a new Quebec law that is an obvious affront to religious freedom. 
Published in Editorial
OTTAWA – If the government is going to confront anti-Muslim hatred it should also address hatred against other religious groups and minorities, said Canada’s former Ambassador of Religious Freedom.
Published in Canada

OTTAWA – A religious freedom advocate whose brother was murdered for his Catholic beliefs told a parliamentary committee that legislation on Islamophobia could bring Canada the type of religious violence many people came here to escape.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - After a surge of asylum seekers over the summer, Canada’s refugee policies will be the top concern for many faith-based groups when Parliament resumes Sept. 18.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – Canada’s Catholic Bishops and the Catholic Civil Rights League have been granted intervener status in an important religious freedom case to be heard later this year by the Supreme Court.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – A new bill before the House of Commons has triggered religious freedom concerns because it removes Criminal Code sanctions against disrupting or obstructing worship services.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – Senator Don Plett expects the new transgender law will soon be challenged for violating religious freedom or freedom of expression.

Published in Canada

WASHINGTON – Many religious leaders viewed President Donald Trump's executive order on religious freedom, which he signed in a White House Rose Garden ceremony May 4, as a step in the right direction.

Published in International

WARSAW, Poland – Church representatives have accused the European Union of ignoring pledges to defend religious freedom, despite commitments set out in special 2013 guidelines.

Published in International

WASHINGTON – The 2017 annual report of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom added three "entities" to its list of 28 "countries of particular concern," thanks to a law passed in December.

Published in International

WASHINGTON – A new study categorizes what kinds of responses emerge when Christians around the world are persecuted, noting that, most often, Christians choose a strategy of survival.

Published in Faith

WASHINGTON – Pro-life and religious freedom advocates cheered the Senate’s confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch on Friday to the U.S. Supreme Court, filling an almost 14 month-long vacancy.

Published in International

BRUSSELS, Belgium – Responding to the case of a receptionist fired for wearing a hijab to work, the Court of Justice of the European Union has allowed a qualified ban on religious headscarves in the workplace.

Published in International