Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

The ongoing spectre of COVID-19 prevents pilgrimages from completely roaring back to life in Canada, but celebrated summer religious summits in western Canada were to make measured comebacks on Aug. 14 and 15. 

While the rash of arsons and acts of vandalism perpetrated on churches across Canada has lightened considerably compared to the volume of incidents that occurred between late June and mid-July, it’s not gone away.

It began with Sr. Fay Trombley of Catholic Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception.

“We’re about to hear the story of a woman — an accompanying witness whose story begins with a prophecy and ends with victory. A woman whose story can be reflected in other people, helping us to see our story in her story.”

The Calgary Catholic School District Board of Trustees voted unanimously to change the name of Bishop Grandin High School in light of Bishop Vital Justin Grandin’s (1829-1902) key role in establishing residential schools in Canada’s west.

As the statues fall across the nation, there is little positive sculptor Timothy Schmalz can glean from the anger and destruction.

With 20 churches across Canada — mostly Catholic — torched by mid-July in the fallout of the discovery of unmarked graves at former residential schools, the silence from political leaders has been deafening, says Deacon Andrew Bennett.

The Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) has condemned the rash of church fires and vandalism that has taken place across Canada, particularly in the west, since the discovery of graves at former residential schools.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame at 25: ‘The Most R-Rated G You Will Ever See.’ ”

Congratulations on navigating another year of school burdened with COVID-19 adversity. I cannot understate that kids, teens, young adults and mature students alike all deserve to bask in the glow of summer vacation.