
Editor's note: As concern for the environment raises new heights, it's worth exploring what Christians are doing about the crisis, and what Christian theology has to say. This package of stories highlights some of the ways Christians, particularly Roman Catholics, are grappling with the issue.


Di Caprio takes us to environmental hell


{mosimage}The Redemptorist Fathers used to be famous for three-day parish retreats. Many of the older men in the order can tell stories of years they spent driving town to town, spending a week in each parish they visited concluding with a marathon of preaching.

Northern culture threatened by melting ice caps


{mosimage}An ice-fisher from Sachs Harbour, NWT, and a sugar-cane farmer from the Fiji Islands have more in common than some may think.

Cap-and-trade system keeps markets honest


{mosimage}If capitalism can save the planet, it’s running out of time in Canada where market-based approaches to greenhouse gas reduction have yet to be tried.

Kairos conference to tackle climate change


{mosimage}As Kairos — Canada’s national, ecumenical social justice coalition — rolls out its newest campaign, suburbanite and activist Dorothy Wilson is excited.

D&P: environmentalists from day one

{mosimage}The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace has helped finance 49 projects or organizations around the world with an environmental focus between 2002 and 2007.

St. Stephen’s aims for zero waste


{mosimage}TORONTO - Wearing plastic gloves, Carolyn Tran remembers rooting through her school’s garbage with her classmates taking an inventory of all the discarded recyclables.

HPV vaccine could encourage sexual activity

HPV.jpgOTTAWA - This fall, Catholic parents of girls from 10 to 13 years of age may face a quandary when schools in several provinces start offering a new vaccination program against a sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer.

World’s poor feeling effects of climate change


{mosimage}ROCHESTER, N.Y. - When Hippolyt Pul was a young boy, farmers in his home country of Ghana often referred to the feast of the Ascension as “the feast of the bean leaf.”

Bible no source of scientific knowledge

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Intelligent Design reduces and belittles God’s power and might, according to the director of the Vatican Observatory.

Science is and should be seen as “completely neutral" on the issue of the theistic or atheistic implications of scientific results, said Fr. George V. Coyne, S.J., director of the Vatican Observatory, while noting that “science and religion are totally separate pursuits."

A truly dignified way to die

When Marlene West faced her family to tell them about her plans regarding her death she got a surprise — tears and grasping for words that just wouldn’t come.