I was said nun who was among those arrested at a “pray in” at a downtown Toronto bank.

Published in Guest Faith Columns

Pope Francis claims the clock is ticking on the dangers of climate change -- and both a paradigm shift and practical action are critically needed to avert looming disasters in nature and human society.

Published in Faith

Thanking a group of European lawyers for their attention to environmental protection laws, Pope Francis said he was preparing another document on the subject.

Published in Faith

With scientists warning that the loss of nature is accelerating at dangerous speeds, Catholic activists are urging nations at the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal to act to protect life on Earth at all levels.

Published in International

The revolution will not happen on TV, on Twitter or on TikTok. A transformed Church cannot be effected by a meme. So John Dorner isn’t watching his newsfeed, waiting for a revolution to hold the Church accountable for caring for creation. He is acting. He has reached that point in life where he can see the change that must outlive him.

Published in Canada