Neither a smoke bomb, shrieking foes, nor police warnings kept pro-life Quebecers from taking to Quebec City streets June 1 for what organizers hope will become an annual March for Life.

Published in Canada

The scene had a loopy, feckless, cosplay pathos about it. Then I discerned the menace. I came face-to-face not with the dictatorship of the proletariat, but with the dictates of the phone-atariat.

Published in Publisher's Notebook

The Vatican City appeals court upheld the conviction of two Italian climate activists who glued their hands to an ancient sculpture in the Vatican Museums.

Published in Vatican

France's bishops stand in solidarity with farmers protesting across the country. After days of protests in the local provinces, farmers were determined to block the main roads leading to Paris, with spectacular traffic jams of tractors and farm vehicles they formed Jan. 29 across the French capital.

Published in International

The president of the Spanish bishops' conference has appealed for calm following mass protests against the planned release of jailed Catalan separatists under a deal with the new socialist-led government.

Published in International

The Colombian bishops' conference has welcomed the beginning of a six-month ceasefire between the nation's military and the largest remaining rebel group in the country, and began to train dozens of priests and lay workers from different parts of the country on how to help monitor the truce.

Published in International

Peru’s bishops pleaded for peace as violent protests against the country’s current president and legislature have claimed the lives of dozens of people.

Published in International

Catholics and other Christians in Congo took to the streets Dec. 4 to protest increasing violence, often caused when neighboring countries seek the nation's valuable minerals.

Published in International

Lawyers for Fr. Tony Van Hee say they’ll press forward with a constitutional challenge to Ontario’s abortion clinic “bubble zone” law despite charges being dropped against the 87-year-old Jesuit priest.

Published in Canada

Holding a sign that read “I regret my abortion,” pro-life protester Debbie Fisher sat under a tent, waiting to share her story to a group of hundreds gathered outside of Queen’s Park for the Toronto March for Life rally on March 13.

Published in Canada

Thousands, emboldened by the news that an almost 50-year-old ruling opening up abortion in the U.S. is expected to be overturned, converged on Parliament Hill for the annual National March for Life May 12.

Published in Canada

The Freedom Convoy ensnarling the nations’s capital has led to the cancellation of Masses in churches near downtown Ottawa.

Published in Canada

As 10,000 people marched in sorrow and in anger from Queen’s Park to Nathan Phillips Square, Vivian Timmins just had to be there — because Timmins is a residential school survivor.

Published in Features

HONG KONG -- The protesters killed in Tiananmen Square in mainland China on June 4, 1989, used to be remembered in Hong Kong with an annual candlelight vigil in the city’s expansive Victoria Park, attended by crowds as big as 130,000, all holding flickering candles.

Published in International

YANGON, Myanmar -- The United Nations and human right groups have strongly condemned the worsening bloodshed in Myanmar as at least 38 people were killed in the military's crackdown on protesters March 14.

Published in International
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