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On Feb. 2 an earth-shaking event occurred in the Catholic Church and barely a peep was peeped. Of course, we’re kind of getting used to the fact that the media often ignore major happenings that would be of interest to, oh, say, 1.2 billion people or more. And this was huge. Unpreceded. Shocking.

Published in Register Columnists

OTTAWA -- Support across party lines for a bill that bans conversion therapy for youth in Canada is being labeled a “brazen assault on religious freedom” by some of the most vocal critics of the federal Liberal minority government’s political agenda.

Published in Canada

VATICAN CITY -- The Vatican has informed Italy that a draft law to fight homophobia and discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity could violate the freedom of Catholics to teach and practice their faith.

Published in International

WASHINGTON -- In a unanimous decision June 17, the Supreme Court said that a Catholic social service agency should not have been excluded from Philadelphia's foster care program because it did not accept same-sex couples as foster parents.

Published in International

Bishop Ron Fabbro wants a more intelligent and respectful debate about Catholic institutions flying Pride flags.

Published in Canada

The University of St. Michael’s College has become the first Canadian Catholic college to sign onto a statement in support of at-risk LGBT youth.

Published in Canada

Several Ontario Catholic school boards have decided to fly the Pride flag during the month of June. Many officials don’t want to talk very much about it; witness the briefest of stories which appeared in this newspaper.

Published in Fr. Raymond de Souza

The Pride flag will be flying over Ontario Catholic schools in a number of jurisdictions, including Toronto, in the month of June.

Published in Education

The Archdiocese of Toronto has come to the defence of a man who drew complaints to police for comments he made concerning a proposal to fly the gay pride flag to recognize June’s “Pride Month” at Toronto Catholic schools.

Published in Canada

A Catholic theologian and professor is under public attack by students at McGill’s School of Religious Studies who want books he has authored removed, and exemptions granted from required courses he teaches.

Published in Peter Stockland

Mike Hyland will always remember the day when his 22-year-old son came to him with tears in his eyes and between sobs told his father he was gay. That memory surfaced again when headlines around the world trumpeted Pope Francis declaring gay people have a right to live in a family and should have legal protections.

Published in Canada

VATICAN CITY -- While there is no doubt that Pope Francis said civil laws should protect the rights of gay couples, some mystery shrouds the context in which he said it and the way it is used in a new film.

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis often has expressed openness to the idea of laws recognizing civil unions, including for gay couples, to protect their rights.

Published in Faith

WARSAW, Poland -- Poland's bishops called on Catholics to show respect for people connected with the LGBT movement, but urged them to resist LGBT calls for a "social and cultural transformation" in conflict with church teaching.

Published in International

WASHINGTON -- The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said he is "deeply concerned" that by ruling federal law protects LGBT workers from discrimination, the U.S. Supreme Court "has effectively redefined the legal meaning of 'sex' in our nation's civil rights law."

Published in International