Mickey Conlon: Tragedy should not derail reconciliation

REGINA – The trial of a Saskatchewan farmer charged in the death of a 22-year-old Indigenous man has ended with an acquittal. But other than that, what have we learned from this?

Developing a global conscience with the 'Share Lent' campaign

The disciplines of Lent — prayer, fasting and almsgiving — are an exercise in conscience formation. Lent is much more than conscience formation, but it is that.

Ash Wednesday: Choosing Christ as your valentine

We begin the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 14, only a few weeks after our celebration of the Christmas season. That’s early, so we may feel that we are not “ready” yet.  

Herman Gooden: Yes, confession really is good for the soul

During Lent, well-trained Catholic minds turn to thoughts of confession.

Justice after 11-year battle to protect human rights in mining industry

“Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart” (Luke 18:1). So begins the parable of the widow and the unjust judge. 

Francis Campbell: Making the most from our mulligans

I only wish I had a chance to do that all over again.

A New Year’s party? Bah, humbug!

I’ve never had much enthusiasm for New Year’s celebrations. Partly this is because of the utterly perverse timing of the holiday.

Ted Schmidt: Sport's real victories happen off the court

Last month, standing on the basketball court of my first school as a teacher, Mimico High, I launched a book titled The Season.

Ian Hunter: Scraps have a place in God’s economy

The only miracle that Jesus performed recounted in all four Gospels is the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, more commonly called the feeding of the 5,000 (or 4,000 in Mark’s Gospel, but who was counting precisely?).  

Angela Saldanha: The signs of Christmas are longing to be shared

As we prepare for the coming of Our Lord in Advent, opportunities present themselves to put Jesus back (for a few weeks, at least) into the public gaze.

Francis Campbell: Tragedy brings out the best in humanity

Halifax Mayor Mike Savage was in a reflective and reminiscent mood during a recent state-of-the-municipality address.