Digging up the roots

Dave Szollosy’s article “Pilgrims seeking peace register their voice” in The Catholic Register showed equal concern for both sides in the Israel-Hamas war.

Basket of adorables by basking in God

The Christmas season is a time of rest for me. To clarify, I mean the Christmas season as we celebrate it in the Catholic Church, from Midnight Mass through to the baptism of the Lord.

Modify the world by deepening prayer

I think we can all agree that mobile phones are now ubiquitous. What I hadn’t expected was that their impact was literally changing our body shapes.

Truth is a story written in chalk

I have written before of my respect for folk singers who look at the world and give voice to truths that are often hidden from our view. Many years ago, I heard such a phrase that has haunted me, and in some ways has shaped the ministry of the Church on the Street: “Truth is a story scribbled in chalk, an hour before the flood.”

Goal judge

In promoting blessing of same-sex couples, Pope Francis argues “...those seeking a blessing should not be required to have prior moral perfection” or “...be subjected to too many moral prerequisites.” In other words, don’t judge their likely sinful activity.

Firmly for Fernandes

I congratulate Rudy Fernandes for his beautifully expressed sentiments in the Dec. 17th Catholic Register about the effort of he and his wife Maureen to keep Christ in our Christmas wishes.

Letter perfect

I nearly fell out of my chair when I opened The Catholic Register in November and saw the Letters to the Editor section in its full glory. It was refreshing to once again experience the beating pulse of the community that doubles as a barometer for all, and a compass to you. Can we do it again, please?

Editorial: No business like your business

In one of those glorious paradoxes ubiquitous in Christian faith, instantaneous argy-bargy over the Vatican’s pre-Christmas document on blessing “irregular” relationships served to recall the supremacy of Christ among us.

Corner store booze sales sacrifice common good

Coming to an Ontario corner store near you: beer, wine, cocktails and other low-alcohol beverages, in whatever pack size you want. These libations will also be available in grocery stores, big-box locations  and some gas stations.

God gives us angels to guide our lives

Angels are in the spotlight during Advent and Christmas. There is Gabriel’s appearance to Mary, the angels who came to Joseph in three separate dreams, the multitude of angels who appear to the shepherds and the angel’s warning for the wise men to avoid Herod. Then there is the plethora of angels who decorate our Christmas festivities, both secular and religious.

Is the Church/theology too masculine?

In a recent meeting in Rome with the International Theological Commission, Pope Francis spoke in an impromptu fashion, stating that “one of the great sins we have witnessed is ‘masculinizing’ of the Church... The Church is woman, and if we cannot understand what a woman is… we will never understand the Church... This is the job I ask of you, please: demasculinize the Church.”