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Readers Speak Out: July 28, 2019

Un-Canadian uniform

In May our Knights of Columbus assembly held its last meeting of the 2018-19 Columbian year. Among the discussions, the most important one concerned the new Fourth Degree regalia.

Readers Speak Out: July 14, 2019

Uniformly upset

I am the wife and daughter of proud members of the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. It has been announced that the uniform is to change. The new uniform consists of pants, jacket and a beret. 

Readers Speak Out: June 30, 2019

Conscience rights

A recent column by Charles Lewis highlighted the desire for legislative protection for health care workers in the area of conscience rights in our province. It is an important issue that deserves our attention and that of our provincial legislators. However, I believe that the column unfairly targeted then provincial Minister of Transportation Jeff Yurek (currently Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks).

Readers Speak Out: June 23, 2019

Eternal damnation

Re: Will there be a day when hell is empty? (May 19):

The purpose of this letter is to correct a theological misconception in a statement in Fr. Ron Rolheiser’s column.

Readers Speak Out: June 16, 2019


Re: Changing of the guard (June 2):

To say that there is “significant resistance” to the change in the Knights of Columbus uniform is a blatant understatement. In a survey of District 2 (encompassing the GTA and area) more than 90 per cent of the Fourth Degree members opposed the dictated change. 

Readers Speak Out: June 9, 2019

Change the world

Re: Climate change stirs students into action (May 19):

It is very uncomfortable to be cynical about student sincerity, but making long weekends out of “Fridays for Future” does invite it. How about “Walking for the World,” where all students, staff and teachers that possibly can, walk or bicycle to school. This would cut down drastically pollution, traffic congestion and accidents while improving health and fitness all the while showing positive commitment and sincerity to their cause. 

Readers Speak Out: June 2, 2019

Planning ahead

Your May 5 editorial on dementia suggested the government needs to prepare for the day when cases of dementia will increase due to an aging population, which brings with it increased health care costs, etc.  

Readers Speak Out: May 26, 2019


As 50 years have passed since the legalization of abortion in Canada, we should acknowledge some of the early pioneers in the fight to stop the passage of this inhumane law.

Readers Speak Out: May 19, 2019

Role model

Re: Forgetting God is unthinkable (May 5):

Thank you for the article about Janet Somerville. 

Readers Speak Out: May 12, 2019

Unfortunate statement

Re: An architect’s quest for ‘transcendence’ (April 28):