
VATICAN CITY - Requests for copies of Pope Francis' environmental encyclical and the demand for tickets to see him at the United Nations indicate enthusiasm and expectations for Pope Francis' visit are running high, said the Vatican representative.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY - Caring for all of creation includes paying particular attention to the needs of young people and the aged, Pope Francis told the audience of a Catholic radio station in Argentina.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN - The Vatican announced a World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the latest move by Pope Francis to push environmental issues up the global agenda Aug. 10.

Published in International

Whether motivated by Canadian garbage, Canadian mines or devastating typhoons linked to global warming, Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical has emboldened the fight in the Philippines for environmental justice, said an advisor to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.

Published in Canada

Pope Francis’ unprecedented encyclical on climate change was forceful. Many Catholics, myself included, were pleased to see the Pope address this complex but increasingly important issue.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

VATICAN CITY - Many of the mayors who met July 21 with Pope Francis stayed at the Vatican for a second day of discussions focused on city planning that promotes economic growth, equality and environmental protection simultaneously.

Published in Vatican

MANILA, Philippines - The president of the Philippine bishops' conference called climate change a matter of social justice and said that caring for Earth should not just be a goal to benefit this generation but also future generations.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY - The Vatican’s financial chief, Cardinal George Pell, has taken the unusual step of criticizing Pope Francis’ groundbreaking environmental encyclical, arguing the Catholic Church has “no particular expertise in science.”

Published in International

La Terra, Nostra Casa. Climate Action Now,” said a long white banner as two people hoisted it high above their heads. Walking towards St. Peter’s Square in Rome, along with hundreds of individuals of various faiths, they took part in “One Earth, One Human Family,” a march on June 28 that celebrated the release of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment.

Published in Youth Speak News

SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia - Meeting with an international gathering of grassroots activists, Pope Francis not only encouraged, but tried to add fuel to their fire for "standing up to an idolatrous (economic) system which excludes, debases and kills."

Published in International

The Ontario government is steaming ahead with a cap-and-trade system to reduce greenhouse gasses despite a clear warning from Pope Francis about buying and selling “carbon credits.”

Published in Canada

ROME - Religious leaders from across the globe led a “Many Faiths — One Planet” march to the Vatican June 28, to show their support of Pope Francis’ groundbreaking environmental encyclical.

Published in Vatican

Generations ago we lived by the words “waste not, want not.” Our grandparents were frugal people. Not us. We are throw-away people.

Published in Canada

TORONTO - Almost 10 years ago, St. Gabriel’s Church was built for Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment. Toronto’s only LEED certified church, St. Gabriel’s is recognized for more than its energy-efficient design. The Passionist parish is an architectural statement about the connection between God and creation.

Published in Canada: Toronto-GTA

Pope Francis has given the world a choice between “debris, desolation and filth” or “a serene harmony with creation.” The path we take, both individually and on a global scale, depends upon a clear-eyed view of reality and the deep connection we experience as God’s creatures with one another, with our world and with God.

Published in Faith