Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

According to the Catholic Civil Rights League’s (CCRL) database, at least 85 Catholic churches have been set ablaze or vandalized since the unproven discovery on May 27, 2021, of 215 suspected unmarked graves near the former Kamloops Indian Residential School.

Archbishop Leo issues his inaugural pastoral letter.

An Alberta school trustee who lost her position for an Aug. 27 social media post comparing the LGBT community to Nazi Germany is appealing her dismissal.

The Catholic School of Evangelization’s (CSE) Discipleship Formation Program (DFP) is experiencing a rebirth in St. Malo, Man.

Caffeine culture finds home at Notre Dame’s Café des Tours

Fr. Cristino Bouvette knew the first guided tour of the future Sacred Heart Parish would be a profoundly stirring experience for his congregation. 

King’s University College is hoping the new five-year strategic partnership struck with a prominent Vietnamese university will create a stream of enriching academic opportunities for students and faculty.

A panel of three Renfrew County Catholic District School Board (RCCDSB) trustees rejected the appeal of Josh Alexander, the high school student suspended for alleged bullying by stating in a class discussion that God created only two genders, male and female. 

The deadline to submit a claim of sexual abuse against the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax and the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Yarmouth has now passed.  

There were 528 incidents of human trafficking reported to police in 2022, a slight decrease from the 555 cases recorded in 2021, according to Statistics Canada. Taking this data at face value, this means the rate of human trafficking in 2022 decreased to 1.4 incidents per 100,000 people from 1.5 the year before.