Canada's Parliament returns to work Sept. 16, four days before divisions over gender approaches in schools will return to the national spotlight with the second annual 1 Million March 4 Children.

Published in Canada

President Joe Biden addressed his historic decision to end his reelection bid and sought to set the tone on his legacy in remarks from the Oval Office on July 24.

Published in International

U.S. President Joe Biden brought to an end several weeks of speculation about his political future, including both his viability in the November election and his ability to serve another four-year term in the White House, by ending his reelection bid.

Published in International

Delegates at the Republican National Convention approved a new party platform July 15 that largely reflects their nominee Donald Trump's political positions, many in his own words.

Published in International

When Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us” in a comic strip back in 1970, he didn’t know the half of it. Pogo never heard of Twitter, attack ads, bot farms or “doing your own research.” Pogo could never have imagined a Church or society broken down into political and cultural sects caught up in perpetual rhetorical war with one another.

Published in Canada

Since my teenage years, I have wondered what a better world would look like. What sort of society should we hope for? I also wonder if our world did become better, would we even know that to be the case. That is, what criteria would enable us to determine when the state of the world had improved?

Published in Register Columnists

This is an article about Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and how she recently burst into my world bringing hope on a sad day. But in order to bring you to the light, I have to start in the darkness. It was Oct. 7, 2022 when the bureaucratic voice of a Canadian doctor testifying before a federal committee about medical aid in dying called for its expansion to include infanticide. Dr. Louis Roy of the Quebec College of Physicians proposed extending assisted suicide to babies before age one. 

Published in Guest Columns
October 14, 2022

Division by ‘ism’

As a child, I was fishing off a wooden dock at the small lake near the town in B.C. where I grew up when a farmer from Saskatchewan and his son appeared  as if out of a dream I didn’t know I was having.

Published in Register Columnists

The overriding “reform” of the Second Vatican Council was a renewed call to mission to the world. The reform of the liturgy, the expanded sense of Church as the pilgrim people of God, the openness to ecumenism and the paring back of Catholic triumphalism are all to be of service to that central idea.

Published in Register Columnists

The aspect of the proposed Alberta sovereignty act which most gives me pause is not the legal chaos into which it will throw this province if enacted — although that is worrisome enough — but the spirit of division which it seeks to codify in law.

Published in Register Columnists

Canadians are getting in on a 30-year-old Vatican project to recast our thinking, our politics and our way of life. On a Sept. 17 Zoom call, a small group will launch the Canadian chapter of Centesimus Annus-Pro Pontifice, a lay-led organization created by St. Pope John Paul II in the Vatican.

Published in Canada

Ontarians went to the polls just over three weeks ago., with the Progressive Conservatives elected with a mass majority, but this election featured record-low voter turnout, with less than half of eligible voters showing up to the polls.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

Elsewhere in this issue of The Catholic Register, former Ontario MPP John Milloy makes an eloquent case for why and how Catholics should sustain involvement in political life.

Published in Editorial

Catholic bishops urged Australians to consider the nation’s most vulnerable people when voting in federal elections May 21.

Published in International

Some will sniff that a hierarchical Church is hardly an institution to concern itself with authoritarian politics.

Published in Peter Stockland