If vacations, weddings, babies and football games are important enough to require planning, why don’t we plan for sickness, frailty and dying?

Published in Estate Planning

EDMONTON – At what point does a health care provider become complicit in the act of medically-assisted death? 

Published in Canada

A grim picture of Canadians dying amid the noise and bustle of hospital acute care wards, unable to access quality palliative care, emerges from the first-ever comprehensive, national assessment of palliative care by the Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Published in Canada

CORNWALL – Canada’s Catholic bishops aim to have palliative care resources available in every parish to help Catholics grapple with suffering and dying under a regime of legal euthanasia.

Published in Canada

New federal government rules to monitor euthanasia and assisted suicide are opaque and weak at a time when legally induced deaths are rising at alarming levels, warn several organizations.

Published in Canada

It would seem the war over euthanasia is over, but the fight is not ending for Alex Schadenberg.

Published in Canada

The grim truth is that legalized euthanasia is not going away. This is not giving up but stating a hard truth. 

Published in Register Columnists

OTTAWA – Canada’s Catholic bishops are urging the federal government to maintain a clear distinction between palliative care and the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide so institutions are not forced to become “an accomplice” in causing an intentional death.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – Kevin Dunn first met Aurelia in the Netherlands at a conference on euthanasia for young people.

Published in Arts News
BRUSSELS, Belgium – A recent government report revealed that in 2016 and 2017, three minors were euthanized in Belgium, amid a profound rise in the number of individuals legally procuring their own deaths.
Published in International
MANCHESTER, England – An English bishop warned Catholics to be alert to the possible deliberate killings of seriously ill patients in state-funded hospitals.
Published in International

Death has lived in the shadows and been discussed in whispers for a very long time.

Published in Canada

With an $11.6-million donation, Toronto’s St. Joseph’s Health Centre will create one of the largest, most advanced and most comprehensive palliative care units in Canada.

Published in Canada
VATICAN – Everyone should have access to essential health services and no one should have to fall into poverty to obtain needed care, a Vatican representative said.
Published in International

When Katherine Arnup’s mother had a brain aneurism in 1990, she and her siblings were faced with tough choices.

Published in Canada