Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

Hundreds of parents, grandparents, kids and parental rights activists participating in the 1 Million March 4 Children stood in front of the Harry Hays Building in downtown Calgary today, brandishing signs declaring, “leave our kids alone” and “education, not indoctrination.”

Bishop Jon Hansen spoke to an “essentially full” St. Patrick’s Co-Cathedral on Sept. 10, in front of Yellowknife Catholics eager to congregate after nearly a month of being deprived of their home and parish community due to the rampant wildfires.

Table tennis and business management apparently have a lot more in common than most would imagine.

With gender identity and its place in schools exploding across the Canadian media landscape, a Catholic parent group is pleased to find political proponents of safeguarding parental voice and authority.

Disquieting headlines about the state of household food security have unrelentingly flooded the Canadian news media ecosystem in recent months. Enter ShareLife.

An Ontario court delivered a key legal victory to Josh Alexander, the St. Joseph’s High School student from Pembroke, Ont., suspended for alleged bullying by stating in a class discussion that God created only two genders, male and female. 

The London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) is emerging as a living example of the principles of supply and demand.

Pope Francis’ comments praising the historical Russian empire in a video conference with Russian youth were “very surprising” and “unfortunate,” says the newly appointed head of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster.

In his 2022 apostolic letter Desiderio desideravi, Pope Francis said congregants are called “to be astonished at the beauty of the liturgy.”

Remarkable. It’s a conclusion that comes to mind upon reading the biographies of the 2022-23 Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) top Grade 12 scholars.