Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

Art program helps displaced northerners take their minds off wildfires.

As Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, began restricting Canadians in August from accessing and sharing news content on its platforms in response to Bill C-18, The Online News Act, it wasn’t only news organizations feeling the effect.

The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) is set to complete an 18-month labour of love early in the fall semester when it installs the final 20 of its welcome benches at each of the board’s school. 

Stealing a line from The Beach Boys, Deborah Koko said she spent her vacation before Grade 11 “pickin’ up good vibrations.”

August 24, 2023

The crime stops here

Imparters of knowledge. Nurturers of potential. Exemplars of integrity. Educators are called to live up to these important tasks each day they go to work. But they are also charged with another key imperative: safeguarding the students in their care from harm.

Wildfires wreaking devastation across British Columbia and the Northwest Territories have apparently spared Catholic churches, though numerous other buildings cannot say the same thing.

Catholic churches have thus far been spared from the more than 200 wildfires sweeping through the Northwest Territories, according to Bishop Jon Hansen of the Mackenzie-Fort Smith diocese.

An Ottawa Catholic District School Board teacher was arrested Aug. 10 and charged with five counts of sexual assault and sexual exploitation.

Nine priests. Four professed religious sisters. Four seminarians. Three novitiates. Two transitional deacons. One sister poised to profess her final vows.

A deconsecrated Catholic Church in Digby County, N.S., facing the grim prospect of demolition for months has been afforded a new lease on life.