In her journey towards the Catholic Church, cancer survivor, speaker and popular podcaster Tammy Peterson has endured her own cross of debilitating illness and loss. Four years ago, she was granted the miracle of healing from terminal cancer and received the grace of inner conversion.

What is the difference between a traveller and a pilgrim?

This year, The Catholic Register received almost 100 entries to our Easter drawing celebration for school children, including one all the way from Melbourne, Australia.

Sault Ste. Marie Bishop Thomas Dowd asked his priests to take a road trip last week to Wiikwemkoong on Manitoulin Island to celebrate the Chrism Mass.

Between them, Regina Lynch and Philipp Ozores have served over five decades with the pontifical charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), and this year alone will help oversee 5,000 projects to aid suffering Christians worldwide.

Government restrictions involving religion in 198 countries is at its highest point since Pew Research began tracking such numbers in 2007.

Pope Benedict XVI once said the network of pilgrims’ ways known as the Camino de Santiago is “a way sown with so many demonstrations of fervour, repentance, hospitality, art and culture which speak to us eloquently of the spiritual roots of the Old Continent.”

There is no enigmatic reason why Dr. Kristin Lozanski has been highly successful in researching the experiences of Jamaicans participating in Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) in Ontario’s Niagara region over the past decade.

The method to her fruitful results? Showing up.

As we move toward a cashless society, how will Canadians respond to a digital dollar?

Two years ago, Iryna Chaikovska, her husband and three children moved out of their apartment into a house near Bucha and Irpin in the Kyiv Oblast of northern Ukraine.