When 33 men took the bold step in 1972 to prepare for ordination into the permanent diaconate for the Catholic Church in Canada, they were preparing themselves for ministering to their communities.

HopeStone retreats put spotlight on youth


Stacey Leitmann was preparing herself for a tough day.

Saskapriest’s ministry finds online audience


Fr. Darryl Millette is one social media savvy priest. He podcasts his homilies, has over 3,000 followers on Twitter and extends his ministry through a cleverly named blog — Saskapriest.

Travellers’ extra luggage a real life-saver


When the suitcase from Not Just Tourists arrived in northern Ghana, it was like Christmas for the local clinic doctor.

A love that is louder than noise


As a child, I wanted to be famous. It wasn’t so much that I wanted to be well known or revered. Rather, I wanted my life to matter. In my limited childhood understanding, fame was the reward for a life that mattered.

Priests buoyed by Francis the pastor


After a quarter million dead, six million driven from their homes and 50 years of violence, what Colombia needed was a pastor, not a politician, said Colombian-born Toronto pastor Fr. Carlos Augusto Sierra Tobon.

Ignatius’ Exercises a spiritual workout


“Take O take me as I am. Summon out what I shall be. Set your seal upon my heart and live in me.”



Catholic Register  reporter Mickey Conlon is among many thousands Florida residents and visitors who have been evacuated and are riding out Hurricane Irma in shelters across the state. Read his first-hand accounts throughout the weekend.

Student trustee ready for his rookie year


Imagine being 16 years old and having to represent 92,000 of your peers.

Toronto Catholic schools part of new pedestrian safety initiative for students


TORONTO – Parents have a lot of things to worry about on the first day of school. Whether or not their child arrives safely should not be one of them.