There was one happy Jesuit in the background of a lot of your favourite movies, TV shows and broadcast journalism through the last 40 years. Smiling Fr. Jack O’Brien didn’t produce The Fifth Estate, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Bon Cop Bad Cop or Law and Order. He did, however, produce the minds that made those shows great.

Toronto seminary rector named new bishop of Whitehorse


TORONTO - Fr. Hector Vila, rector of Toronto’s Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary, has been appointed the new bishop of Whitehorse.
Pope Francis announced the appointment on Nov. 27.

Haitian earthquake a life-changer for Whitehorse girl


TORONTO - In 2010, Morgan Wienberg’s future was set: she was headed to McGill University to study nursing to specialize in pediatric surgery because she knew she wanted to work with children. But her plans were derailed when a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti.

Thornhill parish beacon of hope for Mideast refugees


THORNHILL, ONT. - Every day Rami Kaai receives at least 50 phone calls from Christian refugees in the Middle East who plead for his help in coming to Canada.

Nova Scotia Knights’ council honoured with Star Council Award


The Knights of Columbus Sydney Council 1060 has brought the order’s prestigious Star Council Award to the shores of Nova Scotia.

Advocates fear fate of religious freedom office under Liberals


OTTAWA - The fate of Andrew Bennett and the Office of Religious Freedom is up in the air as the office was not included in the Prime Minister’s mandate letter to the Foreign Affairs Minister. Government silence has advocates for religious freedom worried about where religious freedom stands with the new Prime Minister.

Mandate changed for suicide panel


OTTAWA - Euthanasia opponents fear that the new Liberal government is “kowtowing” to the euthanasia lobby following new directions given to a federal panel that has been consulting Canadians on assisted suicide.

Missal a ‘new moment in history’ for former Anglicans


OTTAWA - Former Anglicans in the Ordinariates will celebrate according to their new missal, Divine Worship: The Missal, beginning the First Sunday of Advent.

Palliative care home in Quebec to offer assisted suicide under new law


MONTREAL - Quebec's new end-of-life care law will go into effect Dec. 10, and at least one of its 31 palliative care facilities announced that it will be offering medically induced death, or assisted suicide.

Holy Doors to open for Toronto pilgrims


TORONTO - Toronto area Catholics are getting new destinations of pilgrimage with the designation of seven Holy Doors in parishes across the archdiocese for the upcoming Year of Mercy.

Vatican on right track with banking reforms


MONTREAL - New accounting practices at the Vatican under the supervision of an independent Auditor General will make fraud and financial mismanagement a thing of the past and help curb extravagant spending, according to Maltese banker and economist Joseph F.X. Zahra.