As Windsor’s Assumption University continues along its path to rebirth, it now has a foothold in bioethics.

Student conference tackles Synod


TORONTO - As the Synod of Bishops on the Family draws to a close, students from campus chaplaincies across Ontario and Quebec are gathering at the Newman Centre Catholic Chaplaincy in Toronto to talk vocations, marriage and family.

It took 50 years, but Hartney now a priest


OTTAWA - Michael Hartney dreamed of being a priest as a young man, but his early sense of vocation was never fulfilled. That changed five decades later as Hartney has been ordained to the priesthood in Ottawa.

Dan Prendergast was a shaper of men


TORONTO -When Leo Rautins visited Dan Prendergast in early October, the former NBA player and TSN basketball analyst knew it was the last time he’d ever see his former coach alive.

Canadian churches mum on election result


OTTAWA - They have written electoral guides, identified national issues, and invited Canadians to vote in the Oct. 19 federal election, but one day after voters swept Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party to a majority government, most Canadian churches had no official reaction.

Trudeau majority worries pro-lifers


OTTAWA - As Canadians signalled they were ready for change in Ottawa, giving Justin Trudeau and the Liberals a majority mandate to rule the land, pro-lifers raised concerns about what exactly is in store for Canada.

Students guided by Samaritan’s hand


In the nation’s capital, Catholic students are learning online ethics and etiquette by studying the Bible.

Toronto school among Top 10 in recycling nationwide


TORONTO - On its multi-year environmental journey, the St. Maurice Catholic School community has recycled its 100,000th non-blue bin item.

Day of service connects students to Catholic community


TORONTO - About 150 high school students took to the streets of Toronto to answer the annual A Catholic Call to Serve (ACCTS).

As election looms, euthanasia ‘taboo’ topic of campaign


OTTAWA - In the final days of the federal election campaign, an array of anti-euthanasia groups nationwide has accused the political parties of “fleeing their responsibilities” on an issue too important to be swept under the carpet.

Scripture’s truth must overcome secular culture


The Church must uphold “the objective truths of Sacred Scripture” in the face of a secular culture that poses a grave challenge to the Christian view of family, Toronto Cardinal Thomas Collins told the Synod of Bishops meeting in the Vatican.