OTTAWA – A Catholic mother of four has thrust Ontario’s controversial sex-ed curriculum into the campaign to select a new leader of the province’s Progressive Conservative Party.

Published in Canada
OTTAWA – One of the most well known abortion protesters in the nation’s capital is the first to be charged for violating Ontario’s new bubble zone law.
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OTTAWA – The pro-life movement is not going away despite “bubble zones,” advocates vowed on the first day of Ontario’s new law against protests outside abortion clincs.
Published in Canada

We live in a country where we are told what to believe, we are pressured to conform, and our religious freedoms are gradually being taken away.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

Canada’s Catholic bishops say the government’s new Canada Summer Jobs policy infringes on freedom of religion and freedom of conscience.

Published in Canada
OTTAWA – Faith-based groups and pro-life organizations are mobilizing to fight a new federal government policy to only give summer job grants to employers who endorse abortion.
Published in Canada
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Justice has launched a formal investigation of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest provider of abortions, for their role in the alleged sale of baby body parts.
Published in International
OTTAWA – Saint Paul University is being accused of stifling free speech on campus after the Catholic university abruptly cancelled a pro-abortion film and accompanying presentation by Planned Parenthood.
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VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis' recent statement that the death penalty is incompatible with the Gospel focused less on a government's role in protecting its people and more on the need to defend the sacredness and dignity of every human life.

Published in Vatican

For the first time in nearly 20 years of pro-life medical conferences, Canadian Physicians for Life will offer a pre-conference event for students thinking about applying to medical schools.

Published in Canada

Bubble zone legislation proposed to keep protesters away from abortion clinics in Ontario is “an unjust denial of freedom of expression and Charter rights,” according to Ontario Civil Liberties Association executive director Joe Hickey.

Published in Canada
The Ontario government is trying to reimpose a lapsed, 23-year-old temporary injunction against 16 aging pro-life protesters.
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The University of Alberta Pro-Life student group is planning to appeal after a provincial court ruled in favour of the university’s decision to charge $17,500 in security fees as a condition to host a public event on campus.
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Thousands of people joined the Life Chain peaceful protest against abortion on Oct. 1 at more than 200 street corners across Canada.
Published in Canada

OTTAWA – A former chair of the Status of Women committee has joined a chorus which is denouncing a Liberal and NDP walkout due to the pro-life views of the new chair.

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