In his annual World Day of Peace message, Pope Francis has some sharp words for politicians. A couple of Canadian political veterans believe the Pope’s warnings about modern politics are spot on.

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One way to view world history could be through a lens of justice. In courts, on battlefields, in parliaments and in many other settings where humans interact, justice has been a constant pursuit — but remains elusive in so many ways.

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OTTAWA – Lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of last year’s pro-abortion Canada Summer Jobs attestation remain active despite the government’s removal of the controversial values test.

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VANCOUVER – For the better part of a decade, pro-life activist Mary Wagner has spent the holidays behind bars.

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OTTAWA – Lawyers representing groups suing the Employment Minister over last year’s pro-abortion Canada Summer Jobs attestation say pro-life groups should be eligible for funding this year.

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OTTAWA – Following months of protest and the launch of several court challenges, the federal government has dropped the so-called “values test” from the application for Canada Summer Jobs funding, but many faith groups remain uneasy about new wording.

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WASHINGTON – Pro-life leaders said they were disappointed the U.S. Supreme Court declined Dec. 10 to hear appeals from Kansas and Louisiana on lower court rulings that have stopped the states from blocking Medicaid funds going to Planned Parenthood.
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EDMONTON – A University of Alberta pro-life group says its right to freedom of expression has been violated by the imposition of a $17,500 security fee to stage events on campus.

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SAO PAULO, Brazil – Researchers from Brazil announced Tuesday that a baby had been born to a mother who had received a transplanted uterus from a deceased woman.
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OTTAWA – Changes may be coming to the controversial Canada Summer Jobs attestation requirement, concluded a delegation from the Catholic Women’s League after a series of meetings on Parliament Hill.

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OTTAWA – Pro-life advocates are outraged following an announcement that Canada will grant $8 million to Marie Stopes International (MSI), the world’s largest abortion and abortifacient drug provider which is under investigation in two African nations for illegal activity.

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OTTAWA – Fr. Tony Van Hee, who was arrested and charged Oct. 24 for violating Ontario’s exclusion zone around abortion facilities, is mounting a constitutional challenge of the law.

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The federal government’s requirement that churches and their agencies sign an attestation endorsing abortion as a human right before receiving summer job funding violates Canadian human rights in the same way Christian human rights have been violated throughout the Middle East, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer told about 300 people gathered for the annual Christians in the Middle East Benefit Dinner in Toronto Nov. 17.

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COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio House for the second time in two years has passed a ban on abortion after the fetal heartbeat is detected, which could occur within the first six weeks of pregnancy.
Published in International

Pro-life women are portrayed as being on the outside looking in when it comes to today’s feminist movement, but they actually are truer to feminism’s roots.

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