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OTTAWA -- Campaign Life Coalition is calling on pro-life Canadians to show support for New Brunswick’s provincial government in a legal fight over funding and access to abortion services in the east coast province.

Published in Canada

Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall’s bill to ban sex-selective abortions in Canada was defeated in the House of Commons by a 248-82 margin June 2.

Published in Canada

VANCOUVER -- For the second year in a row, pro-lifers were prevented from gathering by the thousands on Government Street and the lawn in front of the legislature buildings in Victoria, B.C., due to various pandemic and travel-related restrictions.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - The ongoing COVID pandemic could not silence Canada’s pro-life movement as hundreds marched through the streets of the nation’s capital May 13 while thousands more gathered online for the annual March for Life.

Published in Canada

WASHINGTON -- The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ pro-life committee is calling on the Biden administration to fund research “that does not rely upon body parts taken from innocent children killed through abortion.”

Published in International

When she discovered she was pregnant again in 2020, Nicole Meinen was scared, stressed and didn’t know who to turn to for answers.

Published in Youth Speak News

MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. -- A billboard with an image of a young mother holding a child on the property of St. Luke’s Parish has been vandalized again.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA -- The largest annual pro-life event in Canada will be on back on Parliament Hill in the nation’s capital in May, according to a key event organizer, although how many pro-life Canadians will actually rally in Ottawa at the March For Life remains an open question.

Published in Canada

MANCHESTER, England -- Politicians in Northern Ireland voted overwhelmingly in favor of a bill to prevent the late-term abortions of babies with disabilities.

Published in International

Vancouver -- Mary Wagner’s long road toward achieving legal recognition of the humanity of the unborn has come to an end as the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed her leave to appeal Feb. 18.

Published in Canada

WASHINGTON -- Failure to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act "shows just how extreme the majority of Senate Democrats are," said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life.

Published in International

WASHINGTON -- It was the coldest national March for Life in some years, it was the smallest, and it also may be remembered as the bravest.

Published in International

I couldn’t help but cry and scream as I saw a baby decapitated, dismembered and disemboweled 10 minutes into watching the movie Unplanned.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

Jane Wagner remembers the raw emotion she experienced when her daughter Mary Wagner was first arrested in Vancouver in 1999 for her crusades on behalf of the unborn.

Published in Canada

CHICAGO -- Joe Scheidler, founder of the Pro-Life Action League in Chicago and one of the towering figures of the pro-life movement for decades, died of pneumonia Jan. 18 surrounded by his family at his home n Chicago. He was 93.

Published in International