Maria Buelvas said she experienced miracles from God at every step along her journey leading a pro-life campaign that saw 157 volunteers fast on bread and water alone for 40 days from March 2 to April 10.

Published in Canada

Last year was my first time attending the National March for Life.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

A key focus for the Conservative Party moving forward will be advocating for crisis pregnancy centres, say MPs who expect the Liberal government to revoke the charitable status from these centres. 

Published in Canada

VANCOUVER -- Although in vitro fertilization can be something of a fringe concern among pro-life groups, many are starting to believe that IVF poses a serious threat to society’s understanding of pre-born human dignity.

Published in Canada

WASHINGTON -- In a March 11 ruling, the Texas Supreme Court ended a challenge by abortion clinics to a state law that bans most abortions in Texas.

Published in International

The landmark  Roe v. Wade decision that struck down American abortion laws turned 49 years old Jan 22, but pro-life activists north of the border are hopeful it won’t hit 50.

Published in Canada

Pro-lifers are sounding the alarm about the new “bubble-zone” laws that become active Jan. 16, 30 days since Bill C-3 attained royal assent. 

Published in Canada

In 2007, freshman students Paul Sanders and Janine Lieu arrived at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy in Barry’s Bay, Ont.,  with a mutual Christian zeal and desire to defend the unborn.

Published in Youth Speak News

Despite the federal Liberals trying to legislate an end to crisis pregnancy centres, I stood in a crowd of 100 people outside Parliament on Nov. 24 to defend them.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

Carol Butler does not get into a regular habit of engaging in political demonstrations.

Published in Canada

I’ve had the luxury of having a voice over the past 40 years. It’s a privilege to have had my words read. I hope at times those words have moved readers and perhaps moved them enough to act or at least think more deeply about the important issues of our times.

Published in Charles Lewis

Despite a federal court ruling it was “reasonable” for the federal government to require Canada Summer Jobs program applicants to support abortion rights, pro-life groups say the decision still discriminates against those who defend unborn lives.

Published in Canada

Pro-life forces in Manitoba scored a victory on Oct. 14 when an NDP bill seeking to create a protest buffer zone around facilities providing abortions was voted down in the provincial legislature.

Published in Canada

Campaign Life Coalition has been a major player in Canadian pro-life advocacy since it was founded in 1978, and over the years teenagers have provided much of the wind beneath this non-profit’s wings.

Published in Youth Speak News

As the economic successes of the Industrial Age gave way to grandiose advancements of the modern technological era, society was presumed to be a great beacon of civilization. Humans see ourselves as formidable and intelligent as we learn more and more.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out