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Alberta’s top court has sided with a pro-life group that claimed a security fee imposed by the University of Alberta violated its right to freedom of expression.

Published in Canada

VATICAN CITY -- Health care professionals always must "promote the dignity and life of each person and reject any compromise in the direction of euthanasia, assisted suicide or suppression of life, even in the case of terminal illness," Pope Francis said.

Published in Faith

MANCHESTER, England -- British bishops have made the right to life a priority for Catholics ahead of a general election in which two major political parties have promised to liberalize abortion laws.

Published in International

The Catholic Civil Rights League presented its annual Archbishop Adam Exner Award for Catholic Excellence in Public Life to Fr. Tony Van Hee at its annual award dinner in Toronto Nov. 25.

Published in Canada

The Catholic Civil Rights League is honouring an 84-year-old priest who for three decades has been a visible presence in the nation’s capital for his opposition to abortion.

Published in Canada

I have been following an online course on St. Thomas Aquinas provided by the Order of Preachers, also known as the Dominicans. 

Published in Charles Lewis

OTTAWA -- As potential federal election candidates who hold pro-life views on abortion are squeezed out by some federal political parties, pro-life candidates are getting support from a surprising source.

Published in Canada

The leaders of Canada’s major political parties may have closed the door on the abortion debate, but pro-lifers across the country say it’s the people in the back benches of Parliament who will ultimately have the final say.

Published in Canada

SYDNEY -- Thousands of pro-life supporters demonstrated in the streets of Sydney, expressing their opposition to a bill in the New South Wales state parliament that would permit abortion until birth for any reason.

Published in International

OTTAWA -- Fifty videos in 50 days.

An ambitious pro-life project to release an online video every day from Mother’s Day to Canada Day is heading into the homestretch.

Published in Canada

VATICAN CITY -- The withdrawal of nutrition and hydration from a patient whose body can absorb them is a "serious violation" of the person's dignity, said two Vatican officials.

Published in International

By passing a bill to ban abortion in nearly all circumstances, the Alabama Legislature has recognized that abortion is "the extinguishing of a unique human life," said the president and CEO of Americans United for Life.

Published in International

OTTAWA — Despite logistical challenges and a competing March in Toronto, the 22nd National March for Life drew thousands to Parliament Hill May 9 to mark the 50th anniversary of abortion in Canada.

Published in Canada

Christina Lee Fast is an athlete. She bowls and does track and field. She’s in love with her boyfriend, she’s learning to make her way around the kitchen, is better at housework than her mother, runs her own small business and is a young lady enjoying life to the fullest.

Published in Canada

VANCOUVER - A growing trickle of pro-life activists at St. Anthony of Padua Parish has turned into a powerful river.

Published in Canada