Authentic friendships are made outside the Internet ecosystem

Published in Features

With Christians being one of the more excluded communities worldwide, Zaia Ventures is working to develop a space that looks to change that for good.

Published in Features

Earlier this February, the sovereigns of social media were summoned to Washington, D.C., for what the wise woman of American mainstream media, Peggy Noonan, described in her column as a ritual denunciation and show of outrage by the U.S. Senate’s judiciary committee.

Published in Publisher's Notebook

As Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, began restricting Canadians in August from accessing and sharing news content on its platforms in response to Bill C-18, The Online News Act, it wasn’t only news organizations feeling the effect.

Published in Canada

Are we losing our ability to think deeply, purposefully?

Published in Features

Today’s social media world has made abbreviations seem more ubiquitous than ever.

Published in Register Columnists

It was 10 years ago at Tony Romo’s Steakhouse Restaurant in Calgary.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

We live in a time in which truth has lost its meaning. We live in a time in which truth is replaced by feelings. When something no longer feels right it cannot be the truth. Every opinion is valid and none is greater than another.

Published in Charles Lewis

The advent of social media has been positively embraced as a means of connecting people across long distances. It has also revolutionized marketing and public relations in unprecedented ways.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

The storming of Capitol Hill in the U.S. is among recent outcomes of a growing and insidious trend: the dispersal of false and, in many cases malicious, lies passed off as being “the truth.”

Published in Register Columnists

A much-ballyhooed documentary entitled The Social Dilemma has been making the rounds on Netflix. It’s about some major players in the world of Big Tech, Silicon Valley and social media who have called it quits and are now on what I call “the apology tour.”

Published in Register Columnists

In a world offering Canadian youth an abundance of choice, it’s up to religious institutions to help the future leaders of society characterize what constitutes a great choice, says sociologist Joel Thiessen.

Published in Youth Speak News

When told this issue of The Register would be dedicated to not only a year in review, but a decade in review, the idea immediately intrigued me.

Published in Robert Brehl
Whether it’s online shopping, banking or even dating, it’s as if we can live our lives entirely online. This is why the news about the banning of cellphones in all classes across Ontario next school year came as a surprise to me. The exceptions to the ban are when they are used as part of a teacher’s lesson, or for students with medical or special needs.
Published in YSN: Speaking Out

Vancouver – Thousands have seen his videos about saints, yoga and wearing one’s Sunday best. Now, the priest of Ask Fr. Nick is back at it again — this time, taking questions about Lent.

Published in Features
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