Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

{mosimage}BURLINGTON, Ont. - For 32 summers, Prof. Josef Svoboda and a small band of students would trundle off from Toronto to Canada’s far north where they would spend their days measuring tiny flowers, counting samples of small plants and monitoring weather patterns and the melting of glaciers. And in the long evenings under the midnight sun, they would talk about life, the universe and God.

August 27, 2007

Our Green Issue


Editor's note: As concern for the environment raises new heights, it's worth exploring what Christians are doing about the crisis, and what Christian theology has to say. This package of stories highlights some of the ways Christians, particularly Roman Catholics, are grappling with the issue.


{mosimage}An ice-fisher from Sachs Harbour, NWT, and a sugar-cane farmer from the Fiji Islands have more in common than some may think.

{mosimage}TORONTO - Wearing plastic gloves, Carolyn Tran remembers rooting through her school’s garbage with her classmates taking an inventory of all the discarded recyclables.

The Canadian Catholic Bioethics Centre (CCBI) has added its voice to the growing chorus of those opposed to federal Bill C-407, which would make euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide legal in Canada.
TORONTO - All the favourite arguments for euthanasia are on display in the latest attempt in Europe to jettison bans on allowing doctors to legally put someone to death, says one of North America's top bioethicists. And they can all be countered by solid reasoning.
{mosimage}HAMILTON, Ont. - Bobby Schindler, brother to Terri Schiavo, said his family had no idea how powerful and aggressive the pro-euthanasia movement is in the United States until they were faced with its full force in the legal battle over his sister's life.

"The underlying issue is money," the 41-year-old Schindler told The Catholic Register April 21 at the annual conference of Ontario Alliance for Life.
{mosimage}RICHMOND HILL, Ont. - When I arrived at a Richmond Hill house where a cash donation was being made to a Catholic organization for abused children in the Philippines, I was met by young lady in red skirt and black top. I noticed she was petite and beautiful but as soon as she handed me a name tag, I forgot about her.

HPV.jpgTORONTO - It appears most Catholic school boards in Ontario are on board with the province's plans to vaccinate girls against the HPV virus. It's predicted the vaccine will reduce cervical cancer rates by 70 per cent.

{mosimage}TORONTO - When Michael Schmidt and Vanessa Nicholas got engaged they decided they wanted to symbolize their commitment ethically — with a socially and ecologically just ring.