As the federal government prepares to pass new legislation for physician-assisted suicide by the Supreme Court’s June 6 deadline, Catholics are growing nervous about what options they have for the future.

Published in Canada

It is possible I am simply dense and if so, allow me to apologize from the very beginning.

Published in Guest Columns

OTTAWA – Thousands descended on Parliament Hill May 12 for the annual National March for Life as the Liberal government within the walls of Parliament was rushing a bill through that will legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada.

Published in Canada

It is possible that Canada’s Minister of Justice, Jody Wilson-Raybould, has a sense of humour or a real flair for irony, but odds are she meant what she said as the Liberal Government invoked time closure on May 4 and shut down debate on the assisted dying legislation.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – Several opposition amendments intended to inject safeguards into the federal government's assisted-suicide legislation, including a proposal to explicitly limit doctor-assisted death to the terminally ill, were defeated as Liberal-dominated committee hearings began.

Published in Canada

They’ve said it before and they’re saying it again.

“Bill C-14, no matter how it may be amended, is an affront to human dignity, an erosion of human solidarity, and a danger to all vulnerable persons,” the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops told the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights as it reviews a proposed law to regulate the practice of medically assisted suicide.

Published in Canada

The federal government’s assisted-suicide legislation is chilling both for what it says and what it doesn’t say.

Published in Editorial

OTTAWA – Pro-life MPs are accepting that the battle against assisted suicide is one that can’t be won, but are looking at ways they can help implement protections for vulnerable people.

Published in Canada

THORNHILL, ONT. – A suburban Toronto parish community is not sitting idly by as assisted suicide makes its way to becoming the law of the land.

Published in Canada: Toronto-GTA

TORONTO – One of Canada’s two members of the Pontifical Academy for Life – a leading bioethicist and major researcher into disability issues – is urging Catholics to engage legislators to minimize the damage of the new assisted suicide law.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim faith leaders have joined together to appeal for the protection of conscience rights for health professionals and institutions in Canada’s new assisted-death bill.

Published in Canada

MONTREAL – When Quebec’s doctors were blindsided by their professional association and its support for assisted suicide, Dr. Catherine Ferrier knew she had to spring into action.
“We didn’t see it coming. We knew it was out there but it was on the margins. Three-quarters of the population was against medically assisted suicide. The legislation kept dying” every time a politician would introduce a motion in favour of assisted suicide, said Ferrier, who has been one of the leaders in the fight against medical aid in dying for the past seven years.

Published in Call to Service

OTTAWA – Canadians Catholic bishops, Catholic organizations and pro-life groups are concerned about the Liberal government’s assisted suicide Bill C-14, especially given the tragedy at Attawapiskat.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – Pro-life organizations have condemned Bill C-14 that will legalizing “medical assistance in dying,” calling it “dangerous.”

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – The federal government introduced legislation April 14 to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide for competent adults with grievous medical conditions.

Published in Canada