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Except for funeral ceremonies with up to 25 attendees, Quebec’s churches will remain empty for the foreseeable future.

Published in Canada

Evelyn Campbell was shocked when the Quebec government suddenly mandated that all places of worship impose a vaccine passport system as of Dec. 20.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA -- Federal politicians, two years after it was first passed by the Quebec government, are now raising concerns about Bill 21.

Published in Canada

Nothing really happened in the election of 2021. Except for one thing that you might have missed if you happened to yawn or blink during the English leaders debate on Sept. 9.

Published in Charles Lewis

OTTAWA -- Support across party lines for a bill that bans conversion therapy for youth in Canada is being labeled a “brazen assault on religious freedom” by some of the most vocal critics of the federal Liberal minority government’s political agenda.

Published in Canada

Three congregants of GraceLife Church near Spruce Grove Alta., are joining their pastor’s fight for religious freedom after a provincial court ruled Pastor James Coates’ religious and life, liberty and security freedoms were not infringed by pandemic regulations.

Published in Canada

Provincial governments across Canada are presenting faith adherents with rays of hope by unveiling roadmaps and timelines on the lifting of public worship restrictions heading into the summer months.

Published in Canada

This past Easter Sunday, Fr. Harrison Ayre remembers walking back into St. Peter’s in Nanaimo, B.C., just to gather himself after celebrating the most stressful Mass of his life. Then, just as he sat down in a pew, he heard a bang.

Published in Canada

With Ontario going into hard lockdown to combat a disturbing rise in the number of COVID-19 cases, places of worship will once again be limited to a hard cap of 10 people in attendance.

Published in Canada

VANCOUVER -- Three Christian churches are appealing a B.C. Supreme Court judge’s ruling in favour of the prohibition on in-person religious gatherings in this province.

Published in Canada

The Holy Week chaos that hit Ontario churches when the Ford government slammed on its COVID “emergency brake” hours before Good Friday is part of the chain reaction of frustration faithful Canadians are experiencing.

Published in Peter Stockland

OTTAWA -- Most Catholics and religious Canadians are trying to maintain a connection to their faith during the ongoing COVID pandemic.

Published in Canada

VANCOUVER -- The 96-hour rollercoaster of emotions for Catholics gearing up for Easter this year ended on a low note.

Published in Canada

After months of speaking out against inequity in COVID-19 capacity guidelines, the Archdiocese of Montreal was finally gifted some good news from the Quebec government.

Published in Canada

VANCOUVER -- B.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson has upheld the public health order banning in-person religious services in British Columbia.

Published in Canada
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