Charles Lewis: Pronouns are no big deal, right? Wrong

I have two groups I associate with socially: One group consists mainly of secular friends, many I’ve known for decades during my career in journalism; the other group is Catholic, the people I’m involved with in various pro-life causes or RCIA or those I see each week at Mass.

Cathy Majtenyi: Robot ‘care’ can’t replace love of the Body of Christ

A pivotal moment in human history occurred Oct. 25 at the Future Investment Initiative conference in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

Trinity Western University covenant goes on trial yet again

Several years ago when the Trinity Western University law school battle was just building, I was shocked to hear a devout Catholic friend trash its controversial Community Covenant.

God's Word on Sunday: God sets the example of care and healing

Christ the King, Nov. 26 (Year A) Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17; Psalm 23; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28; Matthew 25:31-46

Many of the shepherds of Israel had done a rotten job of shepherding and serving the people.

Alberta premier maligns Catholic schools

Edmonton – The headline told the story: “Catholic sex-ed proposal puts church, NDP on collision course.” Columnist Paula Simons’ front-page offering in the Oct. 24 Edmonton Journal was correct on at least one point: The Catholic Church in Alberta and the NDP government are deeply at odds. The differences involve revision of the provincial sex education curriculum, as well as new legislation on gay-straight alliances (GSAs). As well, there is Premier Rachel Notley’s insulting characterization of a Catholic sex education proposal as giving moral legitimacy to rape.

Comment: The kindred spirits of John Paul I and Francis

In last week’s edition of The Register, a page was devoted to the late Pope John Paul I for two newsworthy reasons: Pope Francis is putting him on the path towards canonization and a new book attempts to put to rest the conspiracy theories that he was murdered after only 33 days on the chair of St. Peter.

The Queen and her prince keep royal traditions alive

In a democratic age, we need to be reminded that the governing image of Christ Jesus is kingship, a biblical image of deep resonance.

Charles Lewis: Don’t fear doubts on faith

I’ve been fortunate to take part in several RCIA programs — the first time when I was preparing to enter the Church and subsequently when helping a friend who ran a parish program for potential converts.

God's word on Sunday: Children of the light walk with courage

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Nov. 19 (Year A) Proverbs 31:10-13, 16-18, 20, 26, 28-31; Psalm 128; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6; Matthew 25:14-30

Comment: People of faith given reasons for optimism

In the hatches-battening critical storm that crested over Governor-General Julie Payette’s recent derision toward religious believers, where, I ask, was the gratitude?

Comment: Defining ‘Catholic’ is a must in elections

Serving on a Catholic school board was never in my plans. I was a Catholic journalist, not a school trustee. So, I never considered running for a school board until about 16 months ago. At that time, the Catholic board in Edmonton was in total disarray with a high degree of animosity among the trustees.