Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

A delay in Pope Francis’ travel plans for South Sudan and Congo because of continuing problems with the Pope’s knee is not slowing down the planning process for his apostolic journey to Canada July 24 to 29.

Long delayed by COVID, Halifax-Yarmouth Archbishop Brian Dunn received his pallium from the papal nuncio to Canada, Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič, on May 31.

Peter @ Pentecost

Gospel means good news and culminates in the happiness of Easter. But the joy of the apostles was tempered knowing the Lord would depart and they would be on their own.

The legacy of the Lac Ste. Anne pilgrimage stretches back a lot longer than the Church remembers. Lac Ste. Anne was a sacred pilgrimage site for centuries before French Oblate missionaries arrived at Fort des Prairies (later known as Edmonton) in 1843.


On May 18, the publisher of The Catholic Register, Peter Stockland, was going to moderate a debate, organized by the Archdiocese of Toronto, intended to help Catholic voters with their choice in the Ontario provincial election. To prepare considered answers, candidates would have received the questions in advance.

Like millions of Canadians who came to see their history in a new light, Canada’s Catholic bishops were galvanized and spurred to action by the discovery of graves at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School one year ago.

Wrong way

The war in Ukraine is horrific and, from my personal observations, the Pope is trying to do everything within his influence to stop it. I was therefore surprised and saddened that The Catholic Register printed an article in which the writer constantly calls the Pope “wrong” in his actions towards Ukraine. 

Canada’s Catholic bishops, in a submission to the federal committee exploring the expansion of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), reiterated their opposition to assisted suicide and called for more safeguards for the vulnerable.

Indigenous liturgy

I want to compliment Michael Swan on his April 17 article “Still a way to go on Indigenous liturgy.”

Crisis of fear

Peter Stockland’s column “Be not afraid” references the over-the-top reaction to the pandemic, but it also has powerful theological implications.