TORONTO – In a prestigious medical journal, doctors from Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children have laid out policies and procedures for administering medically assisted death to children, including scenarios where the parents would not be informed until after the child dies.
Published in Canada

CORNWALL – Canada’s Catholic bishops aim to have palliative care resources available in every parish to help Catholics grapple with suffering and dying under a regime of legal euthanasia.

Published in Canada
VATICAN – Caring for the sick, especially those near death, cannot be reduced simply to giving them medicine, but must include providing healing and comfort that gives their lives value and meaning, Pope Francis said.
Published in Faith

New federal government rules to monitor euthanasia and assisted suicide are opaque and weak at a time when legally induced deaths are rising at alarming levels, warn several organizations.

Published in Canada

It would seem the war over euthanasia is over, but the fight is not ending for Alex Schadenberg.

Published in Canada

Catholic doctors from Canada are heading to Iceland to block Canadian Medical Association efforts to change the World Medical Association’s code of ethics.

Published in International

The grim truth is that legalized euthanasia is not going away. This is not giving up but stating a hard truth. 

Published in Register Columnists

OTTAWA – Canada’s Catholic bishops are urging the federal government to maintain a clear distinction between palliative care and the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide so institutions are not forced to become “an accomplice” in causing an intentional death.

Published in Canada

Whenever a doctor assists in a suicide in Ontario by injecting a patient with chemicals to stop the heart, it is recorded on the death certificate as a natural death. 

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – Kevin Dunn first met Aurelia in the Netherlands at a conference on euthanasia for young people.

Published in Arts News

A petition demanding conscience rights for doctors who oppose assisted suicide is the first move in a multi-pronged strategy to persuade Ontario’s new government to enshrine such rights in law.

Published in Canada
BRUSSELS, Belgium – A recent government report revealed that in 2016 and 2017, three minors were euthanized in Belgium, amid a profound rise in the number of individuals legally procuring their own deaths.
Published in International

OTTAWA – The recipient of the 2018 Archbishop Exner award says she “drifted” into family medicine but now she sees God’s providence in her work against euthanasia.

Published in Canada

When I was a child I watched a movie called Village of the Damned. It was creepy and scary.

Published in Register Columnists

June 17 will mark two years since Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) law received royal assent. 

Published in Robert Brehl