The international society of Catholic doctors is using Canada as an example of what can go wrong when doctors are forced to refer for abortion.

Published in International
VATICAN – No physician should be forced to choose between violating his or her conscience and facing professional sanctions when defending human life, said the president of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations.
Published in International
OTTAWA – One of the most well known abortion protesters in the nation’s capital is the first to be charged for violating Ontario’s new bubble zone law.
Published in Canada
LONDON, Ont. – A Canadian bishop announced that the Diocese of London, Ontario, would protest new requirements for government grants that require organizations to profess the government’s view on topics like abortion rights and gender identity.
Published in Canada
OTTAWA – The pro-life movement is not going away despite “bubble zones,” advocates vowed on the first day of Ontario’s new law against protests outside abortion clincs.
Published in Canada
OTTAWA – Religious freedom and conscience rights will continue to be top agenda items for Catholic and other faith groups in 2018 as challenges play out in the courts and in the public arena.
Published in Canada
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Justice has launched a formal investigation of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest provider of abortions, for their role in the alleged sale of baby body parts.
Published in International
There is one abortion clinic in Edmonton: a squat, grey building with a single sign saying “Women’s Health Options” in small letters near a nondescript front door.
Published in Life & Family
In late September I wrote a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in which I expressed dismay at what I called some “very serious” fallacies he continues to spread regarding abortion. 
Published in Guest Columns
Following the approval of a federal court, an undocumented teen girl in Texas has had an abortion, the Associated Press reported Wednesday.
Published in International

Bubble zone legislation proposed to keep protesters away from abortion clinics in Ontario is “an unjust denial of freedom of expression and Charter rights,” according to Ontario Civil Liberties Association executive director Joe Hickey.

Published in Canada
September 20, 2017

Mary Wagner’s war

Women in jail tell Mary Wagner about their abortions.

Published in Canada

Pro-life activist Mary Wagner will not face any more jail time, an Ontario court has ruled.

Published in Canada

It was interesting to monitor the shock expressed around the world to recent news that Iceland has almost eradicated the birth of Down syndrome babies by prenatal tests and abortion.

Published in Editorial

WASHINGTON - Iceland is on its way to "eliminate" people with Down syndrome, a report from CBS News explained, causing uproar in the pro-life community over the high numbers of abortions following prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome.

Published in International