MONTGOMERY, Ala. – A federal judge has struck down an Alabama law requiring more scrutiny for minors who seek an abortion without parental consent.

Published in International

ST. LOUIS, Mo. – Pro-lifers lauded a bill that will restrict abortion access in Missouri, granting the state attorney general more power to prosecute violations, and requiring both stricter health codes and proper fetal tissue disposal.

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HAMBURG, Germany – French President Emmanuel Macron has been under attack for identifying Africa’s development issue as a problem of overpopulation, ignoring the effects of France’s imperialism.

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PORTLAND, Ore. – Calling state lawmakers "intolerant of widely held opposing views" and religious beliefs, the Oregon Catholic Conference is denouncing a Legislature-approved bill that requires health insurers to cover abortion on demand.

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MANCHESTER, England – Western governments are "spitting in the face" of African democracy by trying to impose legal abortion against the wishes of most of the people in such countries, said a Nigerian-born pro-life campaigner.

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OTTAWA – Canada’s bishops conference has denounced a speech by Canada’s foreign minister as “erroneous, confusing and misguided” for suggesting that sexual reproductive rights have become a cornerstone of the nation’s foreign policy.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – As the summer barbecue season begins, the Liberal government received mixed reviews near the midway point of its electoral mandate.

Published in Canada

MANCHESTER, England – British doctors have put their support behind a campaign to strip criminal sanctions from the country's abortion laws, prompting warnings from Catholic bishops that liberalization might "put more vulnerable women at risk."

Published in International

John of the Cross teaches that within spirituality and morality there are no exempt areas. Simply put, you cannot be a saint or a highly moral person if you allow yourself a moral exemption or two.

Published in Fr. Ron Rolheiser

OTTAWA – An Ontario Superior Court judge has struck down a section of an Ontario law censoring the release of abortion statistics.

Published in Canada

DOVER, Del. – In Delaware, lawmakers’ vote to pass a bill that would strike down almost all remaining abortion restrictions drew strong criticism from pro-life advocates, who warned it would provide safe harbor for Kermit Gosnell-style abortionists

Published in International

In the May 21 issue of The Catholic Register Peter Stockland wrote a sincere Comment piece about the need for renewal within organizations. I agree with him on this point.

Published in Guest Columns

WASHINGTON –  True to its word, the Trump administration is moving to reverse Obamacare's requirement that most employers provide free coverage of birth control to their employees

Published in International

DUBLIN – Bronagh Matthews, an office manager in her 30s, lives on the rural edge of North County Dublin. She attended an all-girls Catholic high school and a Catholic college and still identifies as Roman Catholic.

Published in International

The flag was unremarkable. It had red-and-white lettering on a grey background and read simply: National March for Life Ottawa.

Published in Editorial