{mosimage}TORONTO - The efforts of a group of Toronto-area Catholics has guaranteed that there will be a summer camp this year available to underprivileged boys. Four Winds Boys Camp, formerly known as Columbus Boy Camp, will open its doors in August on the shores of Lake Simcoe.

Abolish abortion top wish on CBC list

{mosimage}OTTAWA - When the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) set up a Facebook group on the Internet called The Great Canadian Wish List , perhaps no one could have predicted that “Abolish Abortion in Canada” would rise to first place almost from the very start.

Euthanasia support driven by fear

{mosimage}TORONTO - A recent poll showing massive support for doctor-assisted suicide among Canadians underscores how fearful people are of death and dying, especially if they have no belief in God or eternal life, says the executive director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute .

Idol contest aids family seeking sanctuary

{mosimage}BRAMPTON, Ont. - On your mark, get set, sing! St. Anne’s Church in Brampton played host to a singing competition June 2 as a way to raise funds to assist a family seeking sanctuary in Philip and Mary parish as well as other ministries within the St. Anne’s parish community.

Rights league doles out honours

TORONTO — The Catholic Civil Rights League announced the recipients of this year’s Archbishop Exner Award June 7. This year’s winners are J. Fraser Field and Jim Hughes.

D & P to help Iraq and Sudan refugees

{mosimage}OTTAWA - The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace has raised alarms about the growing number of displaced persons needing assistance, especially in Iraq and Sudan.

New archdiocese of Toronto clergy appointments

{mosimage}Editor’s note: Below is the annual list of clergy appointments in the archdiocese of Toronto. The appointments are to effective June 27 unless otherwise indicated. It is listed by priest and the parish he will serve, as well as the municipality (parish is in Toronto if not indicated).

Canada, G8 nations fail Africans, says Jesuit

{mosimage}TORONTO - Neither Canada nor the G8 nations are living up to their obligations to Africa when it comes to fighting AIDS or alleviating poverty, the Canadian director of the African Jesuit AIDS Network told The Catholic Register at the conclusion of the latest G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany.

Peace garden redesign draws anger


{mosimage}TORONTO – Setsuko Thurlow claims she has personally been “deceived and betrayed” and Toronto has dishonoured commitments it made to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 23 years ago.

Pope makes flurry of episcopal appointments

{mosimage}OTTAWA - On June 1, Pope Benedict XVI made three Episcopal appointments in Canada and accepted two resignations, close on the heels of recent appointments to Ottawa, Edmonton and Saint John, N.B.

We can find joy in suffering

KING CITY, Ont. - With tambourines, shakers and streamers in hand 200 women opened the first World Day of Prayer International Committee meeting to be held in Canada with an ecumenical prayer service.