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Readers Speak Out: November 21, 2021

What’s next?

The audacity and arrogance of our federal government never ceases to amaze and alarm me. While the government feeds us a consistent rhetoric of care and concern, they are gradually taking away our freedoms. The agenda includes using our tax dollars to support/promote abortion and in many other countries in the world. It is also doing his best to silence the pro-life voice.

Readers Speak Out: November 14, 2021

Cost saving

Re: Short visit works best (Fr. Raymond de Souza, Nov. 7):

Fr. de Souza is fearful that the costs associated with a reconciliation-oriented papal visit to Canada will divert funds from Catholic-sponsored reconciliation projects. He asserts that the papal visit should be short, structured and shaped by the fiscal priority that “the only solution is not to spend a dime more than necessary.”

Readers Speak Out: November 7, 2021

Glaring omission

I am glad to know from the news that Pope Francis is coming to Canada as recommended by the TRC. That surely will soothe the emotional and psychological wounds of the Indigenous peoples. However, it is God who heals our brokenness, especially our spiritual wounds.

Readers Speak Out: October 31, 2021

Helpful solution

The Archdiocese of Toronto recently announced that, as of Oct. 8, it requires “all employees,” including priests, lay ministers and parish volunteers, at “the workplace, be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or provide regular proof of … negative COVID-19 test results.” Essentially it has mandated vaccination but also offered an alternative.

Readers Speak Out: October 24, 2021

Healing path

Re: Money will be raised, but how to spend it? (Fr. Raymond J. de Souza, Oct. 10):

Readers Speak Out: October 17, 2021

Contrition needed

I wondered why the Indigenous peoples had a lukewarm response to the Canadian bishops’ apology. Could the reason be that it was termed an “apology”? 

Readers Speak Out: October 10, 2021

Incomplete apology

We can be grateful that the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has finally issued an apology for the Church’s role in residential schools.

Readers Speak Out: October 3, 2021

Great deception

Re: Digging deep into ‘The Warning’ signs (Sr. Helena Burns, Sept. 19):

Secular observers note that the “present time” is experiencing “signs” of apocalyptic proportions: plague, pestilence, fire, flood, military defeat and economic turmoil. For Catholics these signs are augmented by distress over the scandal of the residential schools, the extension of MAiD and the juggernaut of the continuing sexual revolution.

Readers Speak Out: September 23, 2021

Act of love

Re: Best, worst of times for abortion debate (Peter Stockland, Sept. 12):

Mr. Stockland’s observations are, as usual, insightful, thoughtful and poignant. I am however perplexed by his concluding paragraph. While I acknowledge that the Church discerns that vaccination is “a matter of individual conscience,” also note that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith dismisses the objections some individual Christians have regarding the morality of using some of the COVID-19 vaccines. More recently, Pope Francis has stated: “Being vaccinated with vaccines authorized by the competent authorities is an act of love. And contributing to ensure the majority of people are vaccinated is an act of love.”

Readers Speak Out: September 19, 2021

Enriching Gospel

Re: Church’s job remains sharing the good news (Fr. Raymond de Souza, Aug. 27):

Fr. Souza says that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was, and is, good news for the Indigenous peoples of Canada. I agree. With all the negative criticism the Church has received in the aftermath of the residential schools debacle that’s easy to forget. While the Church should apologize for sins committed against Indigenous peoples, it cannot apologize for proclaiming the Gospel.