VATICAN CITY – How Christians treat the poor is the clearest demonstration of their relationship with God, Pope Francis insisted.

Published in Faith

MEXICO CITY – A Catholic bishop in the southern Mexican state of Guerrero has called for compassion toward the impoverished populations harvesting opium poppies out of necessity, saying such people are not sinners and are neglected by the government.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – An economic vision geared solely toward profit and material well-being has led to an economy of exclusion and inequality that has increased poverty and the number of people discarded "as unproductive and useless," Pope Francis said. 

Published in International

CALCUTTA, India - With folded hands, Margeret Rose stood praying near Blessed Teresa's statue near the entrance of the headquarters of the Missionaries of Charity.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis will declare Blessed Teresa of Calcutta a saint at the Vatican Sept. 4.

Published in Vatican

OTTAWA - Lost in the “fight for the middle class” in the federal election campaign is the plight of Canada’s poor, said Joe Gunn of the Citizens for Public Justice.

Published in Canada

For 20 years, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul have lined a small corner in front of Kingston’s City Hall to stand in solidarity with the poor and vulnerable in society.

Published in Canada

FORT WORTH, Texas - Allen Lutes wipes his brow as he prepares another plate of food. The culinary school-trained chef is serving grilled chicken, fresh vegetables and rice pilaf.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY - After decades of world leaders trying to set global goals to address climate change and extreme poverty, city mayors gathered at the Vatican to pledge they will take real action and lead the fight on their streets.

Published in International

OTTAWA - Nine months ago Rosa Frias was blessed to meet Pope Francis and tell him about obstacles she faced in opening a children’s clinic in her home town of Limpio, Paraguay. So the Pope’s visit to Paraguay July 10-12 has special significance for Frias now that her dream has come true and her clinic has been opened.

Published in International

MANCHESTER, England - Bishops across the European Union are calling on member states to be generous toward tens of thousands of migrants flooding across the Mediterranean.

Published in International

The truth has been well and tragically documented. Now comes the real work — reconciliation.

Published in Editorial

TORONTO - Former senator Hugh Segal is encouraging faith groups to use their collective voice to help put an end to child poverty in Canada.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - Social justice think tank Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) has issued a report that puts a positive spin on taxes as a way to reduce poverty and clean up the environment.

Published in Canada

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis urged Franciscan friars to hold true to their charism of fraternity, humility and poverty and not lose the respect they have earned over the centuries for living up to those ideals.

Published in Vatican