“The poor you will always have with you.” Prophetic words of Jesus 2,000 years ago. 

Published in Guest Columnists

Christmas may come but once a year, but at the Furniture Bank they keep their eyes and ears open to the season year-round.

Published in Christmas

As Toronto’s city-run shelter system bulges with refugees and migrants, volunteer-run Out of the Cold programs are operating at capacity and wondering when governments are going to get serious about housing.

Published in Canada

EDMONTON – A single mother, without a home, sits in a McDonald’s restaurant on Edmonton’s Whyte Avenue strip.

Published in Canada
VATICAN – As the rich get richer, the increasing misery and cries of the poor are ignored every day, Pope Francis said.
Published in Faith

In 2006, after 20 years of stellar work with the Out of the Cold program to shelter the homeless, its co-founder was not impressed.

Published in Features

It is noble to mark the World Day of the Poor with gifts of charity, but Pope Francis has challenged Catholics to go much further than that. He asks us to observe Nov. 18 by making a serious examination of conscience “to see if we are truly capable of hearing the cry of the poor.”

Published in Editorial

People around the world are poor for a lot of different reasons. 

Published in Canada

When Pope Francis initiated the World Day of the Poor to be marked on the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time — Nov. 18 this year — it was easy for people to see this targeted at the familiar pictures that are all too real of Third World poverty.

Published in Canada

The world commemorated the United Nations’ International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on Oct. 17, but you could be forgiven for not noticing. 

Published in Guest Columnists

Live simply so that others may simply live. These words haunt me. These words inspire me. 

Published in Guest Columnists

Over a 25-year span from 1990 to 2015 there has been a massive reduction in global poverty. 

Published in International

As Ontario Minister of Children, Community and Social Services Lisa MacLeod gets set to reveal her welfare reform package on Nov. 8, the people who run Ontario’s food banks, shelters and volunteer supports for poor families are urging the provincial government to restore the basic income pilot project.

Published in Canada

Helping 5.8 million Canadians out of poverty isn’t a charity project. It’s about building a better economy and living up to the human rights we proclaim as a nation, said the author of a new report on poverty.

Published in Canada

The summer had been warm and humid, and unlike many churches that can afford air conditioning, the church on the street had to find its own way of surviving the muggy evenings. 

Published in Register Columnists