EDMONTON – Frank “Bushy” Stegemeier is struggling.

Published in Canada

VATICAN – Capuchins are called to be men of peace, reconciliation and prayer and to be close to all people, Pope Francis told members of the order.

Published in Faith
MANILA, Philippines – The social action arm of the Philippine Catholic Church has convened its "surge team" as super Typhoon Mangkhut threatened the country in mid-September.
Published in International

For the first time in ShareLife’s history, Catholic parishioners have crossed the $13-million threshold when it comes to helping those most in need.

Published in Canada

Journeys to Justice: Reflections on Canadian Christian Activism by Joe Gunn (Novalis, 176 pages, softcover, $14.95 on amazon.ca) 

Published in Arts News

Abby Pyrz was 18 years old when she was bitten by the travel bug. 

Published in Youth Speak News

Over the next 12 years the federal government promises to raise 2.1 million Canadians out of poverty and take Canada’s poverty rate from one in every eight Canadians to one in every 17 Canadians by 2030.

Published in Canada

It was a made-in-Ontario experiment based on a concept put forth by such thinkers as Conservative Canadian Hugh Segal and American free-market advocate Milton Friedman: a basic income guarantee, something like Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement. 

Published in Register Columnists

OTTAWA – A poverty-fighting group, fresh from a victory over a law that threatened its status as a charity, is facing another round of legal fighting after the federal government appealed the court ruling.

Published in Canada

Over the next 12 years the federal government promises to raise 2.1 million Canadians out of poverty and take Canada’s poverty rate from one in every eight Canadians to one in every 17 by 2030.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA – Anti-poverty advocates are disappointed that Ontario’s new Conservative government intends to cancel the province’s basic income pilot project, arguing that the study is important to help reduce poverty far beyond the province.

Published in Canada

The umbrella organization for hundreds of St. Vincent de Paul councils in parishes across Canada is getting ready to step into the national spotlight.

Published in Canada

A new report from the Angus Reid Institute showing poverty may be a bigger problem than official statistics indicate is ramping up pressure on Ottawa to unveil a federal poverty reduction strategy.

Published in Canada

During his life, St. Francis of Assisi was known as the "poverello,” or the poor man who renounced the world to live for Jesus alone.

Published in Canada
VATICAN – Although the sin of war committed by nations has caused great suffering to Christians in the Middle East, the Catholic Church must bear in mind its own sins, Pope Francis said.
Published in International