Jean Ko Din, The Catholic Register

Jean Ko Din, The Catholic Register

Jean Ko Din is Youth Editor at The Catholic Register.

You can reach her at or 416-934-3410 ext. 403.

TORONTO - Juno-nominated folk duo DALA is returning to its alma mater in hope of raising $30,000 for Lifeline Syria.

TORONTO - About 150 high school students took to the streets of Toronto to answer the annual A Catholic Call to Serve (ACCTS).

TORONTO - During his visit last month to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, Pope Francis described women religious as “women of strength” who work on the “frontlines in the proclamation of the Gospel.”

TORONTO - Sr. Helen Kluke doesn’t believe in mistakes, only in new creations.

“Where there is doubt, faith.”

Laughter might truly be the best medicine if it can encourage friendly conversation between Christians and atheists. That was Andy Bannister’s goal when he wrote The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist.

Even before Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ was released to the world in June, Villa St. Joseph Retreat and Ecology Centre in Cobourg, Ont., was teaching others about the importance of caring for all of God’s creation.

When the Apostles first set out to evangelize to the world, they stood in public squares to preach about the Kingdom of God and Jesus’ resurrection. But today, Brian Holdsworth said the new public squares are on the Internet and this is where the Church must be.

TORONTO - On the evening of Aug. 4, 1914, news of Britain declaring war on Germany had just reached Toronto. While the city buzzed with tension and excitement, a group of men were meeting Fr. Lancelot Minehan in the basement of St. Helen’s Church to talk about forming a new parish in the growing suburban neighbourhood on Roncesvalles Avenue in the city’s west end.

TORONTO - Cardinal Thomas Collins is taking his Lectio divina series across the Greater Toronto Area this year.

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  • Jean's Photo Diary

    July 26, 2016: The shrine of the Black Madonna was opened to World Youth Day pilgrims so that they could venerate the miraculous image up close. (Photo by Jean Ko Din)

    Follow our reporter Jean Ko Din as she photographs her journey to Krakow, Poland for the 2016 World Youth Day.